LTReikšminiai žodžiai: , gyventojų skaičiaus mažėjimas; Kaimo gyvenvietė; Kaimo vietovės; Natūralus prieaugis; Populiacijos sumažėjimas; Ūkių pasiskirstyma; Ūkių paskirstymas; Depopulation; Depopulation, natural increment; Distribution of farms; Natural increment; Rural areas; Rural settlement.
ENThe article deals with the problems of the economic and demographic situation in the rural areas of Lithuania. The article contains a brief review of distribution of farms according to the size and area of cultivated land. Special attention is paid to the changes of rural population and the determining factors thereof, the spatial analysis of natural increase and old age index in rural municipalities, and the transformation of the network of rural settlements in Lithuania. [From the publication]