LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Istorinė Lietuva; Krajovcai; Kraštiečiai; Lietuvių ir lenkų santykiai; Mykolas Riomeris; Mykolas Romeris; Mykolo Riomerio "Dienoraštis"; Pilietinė visuomenė; Riomeris, Mykolas; Tautiniai santykiai; Tautinis sąjūdis; Tautinė valstybė; Teisė; Civic society; Civil society; Historical Lithuania; Krajowcy; Law; Lithuanian national revival; Lithuanian-Polish relations; Michal Roemer; Mykolas Romeris, Mykolas Romeris "Diary"; National relations; National state; Romer, Michal.
ENDr. R. Miknys from the Institute of the History of Lithuania in his article „Pattern of civil society and national relations in the diary of M. Rbmeris“ analyses M. Rbmeris' observations and considerations about the prospects of the formation of the civil society and national relations in Lithuania of that time. It is stressed that according to M. Rbmeris’ pattern of civil society the Lithuanians in a such society would not have any exceptional rights but would perform functions of the most active factor, social national relations would be based on the principal of nationality. [From the publication p. 62]