Vaiko veikla meninio ugdymo procese

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaiko veikla meninio ugdymo procese
Alternative Title:
Child’s activities in the process of art education
Publication Data:
Šiauliai : Šiaulių universiteto leidykla, 2000.
138 p
Pratarmė — Įvadas — Prielaidos vaiko veiklos kaitai — Pedagoginis poveikis ir vaiko savirealizacija: Ugdymo orientacija ir vaiko kultūra; Pedagoginis poveikis vaiko kultūrai ir veiklai; Savirealizacija ir vaiko veikla; Vaikui aktuali veikla – jo kultūros ugdymo pagrindas — Meninė vaiko veiklos kokybė: Prielaidos vaiko veiklos meninei kokybei; Vaiko veiklos kaita; Vaikų meninio ugdymo procesas — Žinios ir įgūdžiai: Asmens kultūra ir dalyko žinios; Vaiko veiklos būdai ir žinios; Aktualios žinios ir įgūdžiai; Žinios kompleksinio ir dalykų mokymo procese; Poveikio vaiko veiklai orientyrai — Vaiko choreografinė veikla — Vaikų choreografinės veiklos pradmenys: Judesio prigimtis; Judesio kokybės problema — Choreografinių elementų sistema vaikų meninio ugdymo procese: Choreografinių elementų sistema; Kūrinio poveikio sferos; Galimi kūrinių atrankos kriterijai — Vaiko meninės veiklos praktika — Vaiko choreografinė veikla ugdymo procese: Choreografinių elementų sistema vaikų šokių repertuare; Šokių repertuaro vaikams prasmė — Vaiko patirtis choreografiniam menui pažinti: Šokio žingsnių atlikimo patirtis; Muzikos ir šokio žingsnių ritmas; Ugdymo užduočių seka; Repertuaras kaip pedagoginė vertybė — Pabaiga — Santrauka (Summary) — Literatūra — Reikšmingesnės sąvokos — Priedas.
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Vaikas, meninis ugdymas; Child, artistic education.

ENThe key idea of the book “A Child’s Activities in the Process of Art Education”, written by J.Kievišas and R.Gaučaitė is that the teaching process should be based on the activities, which are topical to a child and directed towards expressiveness, and to treat the activities as a way of self-realisation, this way simultaneously converting all process of art education into a process of self- realisation. It means, that the educational process is based on the child’s culture and is reorientated directly towards its development. In such case a child’s art education also becomes a process of his integration into environmental and nation’s culture, culture is no longer treated only as the object of cognition. The discussed way of treating the activities shows the uniqueness of the educational process: the activities, directed towards expressiveness, are perceived as a component of personal culture and are changing as a consequence of the changes in this culture. Art activities arise as a quality of a child’s culture. Thus, a child’s topical activities are gradually changed into musical, choreographic, etc. ones, simultaneously striving for their art quality. This way, a child’s topical activities as a way of self-realisation are preserved and simultaneously they contribute to the development of a child’s art culture and activities. Besides, it is also shown, that the art activities /musical, choreographic, etc./ arise from a child’s topical complex activities and are a result of their evolution, but not of the direct teaching process.The goal of the research is a child’s activities and peculiarities of its changes, as well as circumstances in the process of art education. The object of the research is the activities of pre-school and junior primary school children as a component of their culture. The subject of the research is a child’s choreographic and musical activities in the process of art education. The book lists the theoretical foundations of commencement and functioning of a child’s art activities: educational impact and self-realisation in the process, directed towards antropocentricity, assumptions of the development of a child’s art activities in it, the system of knowledge and skills, and the peculiarities of its revealing in this process. The authors single out a child’s activities as peculiarities of self-realisation, educational attitudes, tasks, evolution stages, and features of art quality. The theory is specified through the analysis of a child’s choreographic activities: its origin, the system of choreographic elements, and the peculiarities of educational impact. The analysis of the system is based on the Lithuanian folk dances. The research reveals a child’s abilities in the beginning of school and actual choreographic experience. Theory has been written by J.Kievišas, the choreographic activities have been analysed by R.Gaučaitė, the results of the research have been analysed by both authors. It is believed, that the book will arouse researchers’ of art education, teachers’, and students’ interest. [From the publication]

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