Kvazidarybiniai refrenai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kvazidarybiniai refrenai
Alternative Title:
Quasi-derivational refrains
In the Journal:
Valoda - .... Valoda dažādu kultūru kontekstā [Language. Language in Various Cultural Contexts]. 2013, P. 290-295. (Zinātnisko rakstu krājums ; 23)
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Garsažodiniai refrenai; Kvazidariniai; Kvazidarybiniai refrenai; Kvazileksiniai refrenai; Lietuvių liaudies dainos; Onomatopėja; Refrenai; Žodžių daryba; Lithuanian folk songs; Onomatopoeia; Onomatopoeic refrains; Quasi-lexical refrains; Quasiderivational refrains; Quasiderivatives; Refrains; Word formation.

ENPhenomena of the periphery of the lexical system ñ childrenís lexis, incantation formulas, swearwords, riddle words have always interested researchers, yet refrains of Lithuanian folk songs, their phonotactics and phonosemantics have not been analysed in any broader sense up to this day. Linguistic literature is usually limited to the linguistic analysis of individual refrains, dealing with their origins and semantics. Apart from refrain analysis, the present study is based on the research of phonotactics and phonosemantics. The article addresses the refrain, a part of the lexical systemís periphery that has received very insignificant investigation. For the purposes of this work, a refrain is studied as the repetitive part of Lithuanian folk songs that has a hard-to-define meaning ñ or sometimes no meaning whatsoever, and often carries a linguistic expression that follows the rules of sound coupling and syllable formation of the Lithuanian language. The subject material is dominated by refrains that belong to the group of onomatopoeic refrains (90.4%). Quasi-lexical refrains occur almost nine times less (8.5%). Quasi-derivational refrains with endings similar to the derivational formant are quite scarce (0.8%), and so are combinational refrains (0.3%). In this article Quasi-derivational refrains are analyzed. [From the publication]

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