Vaiko teisių apsauga baudžiamajame procese : atstovavimas, gynyba ir apklausų atlikimas Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaiko teisių apsauga baudžiamajame procese: atstovavimas, gynyba ir apklausų atlikimas
Alternative Title:
Protection of rights of a child in criminal procedure: representation, counselling and interviewing
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos teisės institutas, 2016.
1 pdf (75 p.)
Įžanga — Nepilnamečių atstovavimo, gynybos ir apklausos atlikimo baudžiamajame procese teisinio reguliavimo tendencijos Lietuvoje — Nepilnamečių atstovavimas ir gynyba baudžiamajame procese — Nepilnamečių atstovavimas pagal įstatymą baudžiamajame procese — Nepilnamečio gynėjo dalyvavimas baudžiamajame procese — Nepilnamečių įgaliotasis atstovavimas baudžiamajame procese — Nepilnamečių apklausa baudžiamajame procese — Nepilnamečių įtariamųjų ir kaltinamųjų apklausa: Nepilnamečių įtariamųjų apklausa ikiteisminio tyrimo metu; Nepilnamečių kaltinamųjų ir nuteistųjų apklausa teisme — Nepilnamečių nukentėjusiųjų ir liudytojų apklausa baudžiamajame procese: Nepilnamečių nukentėjusiųjų ir liudytojų apklausa ikiteisminio tyrimo metu; Nepilnamečių nukentėjusiųjų ir liudytojų apklausa teisme — Vaiko teisių apsaugą baudžiamajame procese apklausų metu įgyvendinančios institucijos ir jų funkcijų atskyrimas: Specialių žinių turinčių asmenų dalyvavimas baudžiamajame procese apklausiant vaikus; Psichologo ir vaiko teisių apsaugos skyriaus atstovo funkcijų apklausiant vaikus atskyrimas — Išvados ir pasiūlymai — Literatūra — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe thorough evaluation of information from different sources implies that the most relevant problems of the protection of the rights of a child in criminal procedure appear in the field of legal counselling and representation, as well as interviewing of a child, including the participants of interviews and delimitation of their functions during the interview. It appears that the representatives of the children‘s rights protection institution are designated as a legal representation of a child too often instead of searching a person who would properly represent a child in criminal procedures. At the same time, it becomes clear that this institution lacks human resources for the implementation of this task. In the field of interviewing a child, it turns out that although child victims and witnesses should be sought to be interviewed not more than once and they should be summoned to court only in exceptional situations, in practice children are interviewed approximately 3,5 times, one third of child victims and witnesses are summoned to court, the interview of a child victim or witness involves approximately 6,8 persons, children are usually interviewed in premises not adapted to their needs, etc. As well, the rights of suspected children are limited only to the right to invite a psychologist or a representative of a children’s rights protection institution upon certain conditions: in all the rest conditions the interviewing of a child does not differ from the interviewing of an adult suspect.Taking into account practical problems, the research seeks to find out causes of practical problems and having evaluated the sufficiency of legal regulation, the requirements of international and regional binding and guiding provisions, as well as case law of the national courts, the European Court of Human Rights and best practices from other countries, suggests certain models of criminal procedure policy change as regards interviewing, representing and counselling a child. The research consists of three main parts. The first deals with trends of national legal regulation regarding representation, counselling and interviewing a child. The second analyses representation and counselling of a child, separately discussing legal representation and counselling of suspects, on the one hand, and victims and witnesses, on the other hand in different stages of criminal procedure. Lastly, the work examines the involvement of professionals during the interview of a child, including the need of involvement, their functions and delimitation of functions of representatives from different institutions. [From the publication]

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