Mokymosi visą gyvenimą motyvacija: pedagogų požiūris

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokymosi visą gyvenimą motyvacija: pedagogų požiūris
Alternative Title:
Life - long learning of utena region educators - motivation and problems
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2006, 83, p. 74-79
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje, remiantis šalies ir užsienio mokslininkų darbais bei autorių atlikto tyrimo duomenimis, gvildenamas pedagogų požiūris j mokymąsi visą gyvenimą, atskleidžiami pedagogų mokymosi motyvų ypatumai, nuolatinio mokymosi įtaka pedagogų gyvenimo kokybei bei priežastys, trukdančios kelti kvalifikaciją. Esminiai žodžiai: mokymosi motyvacija, kvalifikacijos kėlimas, formalusis mokymas, neformalusis mokymas.

ENGlobalization, information explosion, rapid changes, society decomposition are the challenges of the 21st century: they raise new requirements for a person, society and the education system. Today a teacher should be flexible, permanently interested in teaching innovations, constantly learning, researching his/her activity. The purpose of the final Master's work is investigat ing motivation, learning motives and problems of the Utena region educators during their life - long learning. The research has been done in January, 2005. 245 educators of various education institutions of Utena Region (i.e. of primary, basic, secondary, vocational and higher education) have participated in the research. In the empiric research it has been stated that 94% of the educators consider life - long learning as necessary; last year 87% of the respondents were studying. The research shows that educators' abilities in their specialty have been greatly improved (97%) after the graduation from the formal education institutions; and the social competencies have also improved (86%). Motives of the educators concerning learning are mostly internal: the wish not to lag behind, to be socially active. External motives are as follows: to be employed the hope to get a higher salary, the wish to be retrained. The most popular ways of the educators learning are non-formal learning and informal learning. Four fifths of the educators were learning at the seminars and courses, every tenth educator was studying abroad; 12% of the pedagogues were engaged in the distance learning, almost 70% of the educators learn at home, at the library. One fourth of educators learned formally.In the Master's work the following conclusions have been made: the attitude of Utena Region educators towards the life-long learning is positive; internal mo tives prevail in the learning motivation; the most impor tant barriers for the learning are the shortage of finances and time. Keywords: educators, life-long learning, qualification development, formal teaching, non-formal teaching, informal teaching.

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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