LTStraipsnyje aptariamas dienoraščio žanras dviejų baltų tautų rašytojų – Zentos Maurinios ir Jurgio Savickio kūryboje, autoriams priverstinai atsidūrus emigracijoje. Siekiama išryškinti šio žanro savitumą, palyginti kūrimo situacijas abiejų rašytojų gyvenime, atskleisti šių kūrinių tematines ir stilistines paraleles bei skirtybes, fragmentiško pasakojimo strategijas, apibrėžti keliaujančiojo būvio raišką karo grimasų iškreiptoje tikrovėje. Daug dėmesio skiriama svetimo pasaulio refleksijai ir individualioms egzistencinėms patirtims atskleisti. Straipsnio tikslas ir uždaviniai: apibrėžti dienoraščio žanro savitumą, jo svarbą bei atsiradimo priežastis baltų rašytojų gyvenime, palyginti temines kūrinių kryptis bei pasakojimo strategijas. Objektas: Zentos Maurinios dienoraštis „Tremties tragizmas“ ir Jurgio Savickio romanas „Žemė dega“. Metodai: biografinis, analitinis interpretacinis, aprašomasis, tekstinės kritikos, lyginamasis. [Iš leidinio]
ENThe aim of this paper is to analyse the diary texts by Jurgis Savickis and Zenta Maurinia in greater detail and to compare the ways of narration of these two Baltic authors, who lived in emigration, the search for the identity of a person, the strategies for cultural rehabilitation and the peculiarities of a diary as a fact literature. "Tremties tragizmas" (The Tragedy of Exile) by Latvian exile writer Zenta Maurinia and "Žemė dega" (The Earth Burns) by Lithuanian writer Jurgis Savickis are the diaries that record not only significant moments in a person’s life, which have become a specific entire stylistic structure, exhibiting a variety of visual facture. They are the pieces of writing that are similar in the world view of the authors and the ways of artistic depiction. They were written and appeared in almost the same time (pre-war, war and post-war period) and under similar circumstances (in emigration). However, the most important thing is that in addition to individual personal experience and daily notes about himself/herself and psychological introspection, discussions about the problematic aspects of the society, historical, cultural and artistic contexts are prevalent, as well as the abundance of historical facts and realia. In this perspective, both Maurinia and Savickis left us an extraordinary heritage. Both authors write their diaries because they seek to record the specificity of the period consciously: Maurinia feels the mission of an intellectual to change the world, while Savickis, as a diplomat, seeks to proclaim everything what happens beyond the curtain of public history and to analyse the shapes of the world, which changes so quickly. The writer writes a diary novel, the main character of which is he himself, a witness of authentic events and facts.The diary texts by Maurinia and Savickis are multilayered chronicles, which are expressed in the language typical for the period: the language of the person who has lost the most important centres of being; therefore, the tones of hopelessness and desperation, irony and sarcasm may be felt. In the diary by Zenta Maurinia the self-portrait of the author is more expressed, more attention is paid to the internal world of the person, its pulsations, the values are emphasized. The diary of Savickis is directed towards multilayered features of the world, the impressions about the external world are more prevalent, personal destiny does not become the most important counterpoint of the book. Saviskis tends to state the facts and express evaluation. Both authors wrote the chronicles of the events of their lives, in which they emphasized the eternal values and related the life of the creator of the time with the historical context organically. [From the publication]