Muslims in Eastern Europe

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
Muslims in Eastern Europe
Publication Data:
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
184 p
Bibliografija ir rodyklės.
List of tables, boxes and maps — Glossary of Islamic terms — Foreword and acknowledgements — Autochthonous Islam of Eastern Europe – populations, practices, institutions — Statistics — Practices — Institutions and authorities — Historical overview — Mongol-Tatar invasion of Eastern Europe and its consequences — Russian possessions in Eastern Europe and its Muslim population — Ottoman possessions in South-eastern Europe — North-eastern Europe — The Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics and its legacy — Russia — Ukraine — The Baltic States — Belarus — Moldova — Successor states of Yugoslavia — The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and its legacy — Bosnia and Herzegovina — Montenegro and Serbia — Kosovo — Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia — Slovenia and Croatia — South-eastern Europe — Albania — Bulgaria — Romania — Central Europe — Poland — Hungary — The Czech Republic and Slovakia — Islam in Eastern Europe, Eastern European Islam: new faces, new challenges — Foreign actors — Assimilation, emigration (depopulation) and immigration — Converts — Radicalisation — Considering the other side — Notes — Bibliography — Index.
Centrinė Europa (Central Europe); Lietuva (Lithuania); Gyventojai / Population; Kultūrinė asimiliacija / Cultural assimilation; Migracija / Migration; Politinė ideologija / Political ideology; Religija / Religion.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Islamas; Musulmonai; Gyventojai; Institucijos; Asimiliacija; Emigracija; Imigracija; Radikalizacija; Rytų Europos šalys (Eastern Europe states); Vidurio Europa; Šiaurės rytų Europa; Pietryčių Europa; Buvusios Jugoslavijos valstybės- įpėdinės; Islam; Muslims; Populations; Institutions; Authorities; Assimilation; Emigration; Immigration; Radicalisation; Eastern Europe; Central Europe; North-eastern Europe; South-eastern Europe; Successor states of Yugoslavia.

ENThe history and contemporary situation of Muslim communities in Eastern Europe are explored here from three angles. First, survival, telling of the resilience of these Muslim communities in the face of often restrictive state policies and hostile social environments, especially during the Communist period. Next, their subsequent revival in the aftermath of the Cold War, and last, transformation, looking at the profound changes currently taking place in the demographic composition of the communities and in the forms of Islam practiced by them. The reader is shown a picture of the general trends common to the Muslim communities of Eastern Europe, and the special characteristics of clusters of states, such as the Baltics, the Balkans, the Visegrad states, and the European states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). []

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