Šeimos ūkio ekonominio gyvybingumo kompleksinio vertinimo metodika

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šeimos ūkio ekonominio gyvybingumo kompleksinio vertinimo metodika
Alternative Title:
Methodology for complex assessment of economic viability of family farm
In the Journal:
Apskaitos ir finansų mokslas ir studijos: problemos ir perspektyvos [Science and studies of accounting and finance: problems and perspectives]. 2016, Nr. 1 (10), p. 151-161
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Ekonominio gyvybingumo indeksas; Kompleksinis vertinimas; Šeimos ūkis; Complex assessment; Family farms; Index of economic viability.

ENThe economic viability of farms and its assessment in recent years has become a very topical issue both in the research of scientists and among the agricultural policy-makers, laying stress on the key issue: the absence of adequate methodology for an integrated assessment of economic viability for the management decision-making and prevision of activity perspectives. Therefore, after the analysis of weaknesses of the assessment methodologies of economic viability of family farms in this study, the complex index of economic viability of the family farm was developed and its applicability in case of Lithuania was tested empirically. Index consists of economic efficiency and solvency sub-indices. In pursuance of this objective, analysis of scientific literature and synthesis, deduction and induction as well as other general research methods were invoked. The complex index of economic viability of family farm was developed based on previous research and operationalization method. Empirical research methodology was developed based on the analysis of the data normalization, confirmatory factor analysis, factor data analysis, analysis of correlation and regression relation as well as descriptive statistics methods. Empirical research data were interpreted based on the data of Lithuanian family farms engaged in crop production for years 2010 and 2012, using the method of multiple linear regression and comparative analysis. It was found that very large farms of weak economic viability prevailed on the farms engaged in crop production in 2010. The workload of family members on these farms was huge, which could influence the improvement of their economic efficiency and solvency indicators since 2012 the situation on the farms engaged in crop production has improved, and the farms of strong viability prevailed.The index of economic viability of the family farm and sub-index of economic efficiency increased with the growth of the workload of family members on the farms and the solvency sub-index increased with the decrease of farm size. [From the publication]

2029-1175; 2351-5597
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2020-07-28 20:26:11
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