Andragogo profesinis tobulėjimas atliekant veiklos tyrimus

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Andragogo profesinis tobulėjimas atliekant veiklos tyrimus
Alternative Title:
Andragogue‘s professional development while conducting performance analysis
In the Journal:
Andragogika. 2017, Nr. 1 (8), p. 112-129
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠis straipsnis aktualizuoja andragogo profesinio tobulėjimo galimybes atliekant veiklos tyrimus. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamas veiklos tyrimas, jo taikymo tikslingumas ir svarba andragogo kompetencijų ugdymui ir plėtojimui, jo veiklos tobulinimui. Veiklos tyrimas grindžiamas refleksija – giliu apmąstymu, kuris leidžia suvokti patį save, savo santykį su kitais ir savo veikla, pasirinkti veiklą transformuojančius būdus ar priemones, projektuoti savo veiklos perspektyvą nuolat kintančioje aplinkoje. Nagrinėtas andragogų praktikų požiūris į veiklos tyrimą bei refleksiją kaip reikšmingą andragogo kompetencijų, profesinės veiklos tobulinimo ir naujos perspektyvos projektavimo prielaidą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Andragogas; Profesinis tobulėjimas; Refleksija; Veiklos tyrimas; Action research, reflection; Andragogue; Performance research; Professional development; Reflection.

ENProblem definition: what is the attitude of andragogy practitioners’ and university teachers’ on the importance of reflection and professional development of andragogue while conducting performance analysis. Research objective: to theoretically analyze and to empirically reason the possibilities of andragogue’s professional development while executing performance tests. Tasks: 1. To analyze the concept of andragogue‘s professional development. 2. To explore the nature of performance analysis, highlighting its characteristics and applicability to professional development. 3. To investigate the approach of andragogues towards andragogue’s professional development possibilities using performance analysis. Methods: analysis of scientific literature, oral interview, comparative analysis. The theoretical analysis showed that the need for professional improvement is caused by the constantly evolving and creativity demanding andragogue teacher’s activity, that binds to continuously adapt and to improve their performance. The performance reflection is named as a key opportunity to ensure a systematic and well targeted performance improvement. The research results showed that for all surveyed informants who participated in interviews the performance analysis through reflection has a significant impact in andragogue’s professional development. Reflection is perceived as a tool for professional improvement that allows to achieve a higher performance quality, to progress, to observe professional situations from a different perspective, to discover new aspects with more meanings and connections to previous experiences. Reflection is related to learning from experience. [From the publication]

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