Žanro ribos ir paribiai. Spaudos patirtys

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žanro ribos ir paribiai. Spaudos patirtys
Alternative Title:
Genres of periodical literatur
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Versus aureus, 2008.
303 p
Bibliografija ir rodyklės.
Pratarmė – Įvadas — 1. Žanro samprata — 1.1. Žanras ir tekstas — 1.2. Žanras ir diskursas — 2. Teksto funkcijos — 2.1. Reprezentacinė funkcija — 2.1.1. Naratyviųjų tekstų informacinė struktūra — 2.1.2. Nenaratyviųjų tekstų informacinė struktūra — 2.2. Tarpasmeninė funkcija — 2.2.1. Pozicinė reikšmė — 2.2.2. Reliacinė reikšmė — 2.3. Struktūrinė funkcija — 2.3.1. Tekstualumas — 2.3.2. Intertekstualumas — 3. Periodinės spaudos žanrų tipologija — 3.1. Tekstų klasifikavimo būdai — 3. 2. Periodinės spaudos tekstų klasifikavimo tradicijos — 3.2.1. Vakarietiškoji tradicija — 3.2.2. Rytų Europos patirtis — 4. Svarbiausios periodinės spaudos žanrų grupės ir jų nariai — 4. 1. Informaciniai žanrai — 4.1.1. Žinutė — 4.1.2. Straipsnio anonsas — 4.1.3. Tekstografinė informacija — 4.1.4. Reportažas — 4.1.5. Ataskaita — 4.1.6. Korespondencija — 4.1.7. Interviu — 4.2. Vertinamieji žanrai — 4. 2. 1. Redakcinis straipsnis — 4.2.2. Komentaras — 4.2.3. Skaitytojo laiškas — 4.3. Analitiniai žanrai — 4.3.1. Straipsnis — 4.3.2. Žurnalistinis tyrimas — 4.3.3. Apžvalga — 4.3.4. Recenzija ir anotacija — 4.4. Meniniai pramoginiai žanrai — 4.4.1. Esė — 4.4.2. Apybraiža — 4.4.3. Satyriniai žanrai — 4.5. Tarnybiniai informaciniai žanrai — 4.5.1. Skelbimas — 4.5.2. Patarimas ir prognozė — 4.5.3. Reklaminis tekstas — 4.5.4. Liūdnųjų progų žanrai — 4.6. Rubrikos, antraštės ir paantraštės — 4.7. Žanrų sąveika — Dalykinė rodyklė — Abstract: genres of periodical literature — Literatūros sąrašas – Priedai.
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTKnygoje aptariama žanro samprata, siejant žanrą su tekstu ir diskursu, pristatomi teoriniai teksto ir diskurso analizės pagrindai, apibrėžiamos būtiniausios diskurso analizės sąvokos, apibūdinamos trys svarbiausios teksto funkcijos ir jas atskleidžiantys kalbiniai bruožai. Detaliai pristatomi būdai ir galimybės klasifikuoti periodinės spaudos žanrus, vakarietiškoji ir Rytų Europos tradicija, pateikiama autorės sudaryta žanrų klasifikacijos schema, atskirai aptariant ir konkrečiais tekstais iliustruojant kiekvieną minimą žanrą. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Žanras; Diskursas; Periodinė spauda; Diskurso analizė; Teksto analizė; Genre; Discourse; Discourse analysis; Text linguistics; Periodical literature.

ENThis book is meant to acquaint its readers with recent trends in a number of fields, including text linguistics, the theory of genre and discourse analysis, which deal with text as the main unit of a language. It also aims to teach critical language awareness - the ability to analyze text not only as a linguistic unit, but also from the point of view of its social context. The book demonstrates how to analyze any text in Lithuanian periodicals from the point of view of its discourse and generic properties, to discern its constituents (moves or other structural parts) and to interpret it as a part of the communicative situation. It shows how understanding genre can help to account for the way we encounter, interpret, create and react to particular texts. Moreover, it helps to make generic knowledge (which is often tacit and implicit) conscious and explicit. Thus the book should have generic consciousness-raising effects. The book consists of four main parts presented in order of increasing specificity, i. e. The Notion of Genre, Functions of a Text, Generic Typology of Periodical Literature, Main Groups of Genres in Daily Newspapers. It begins with the definition of the main concepts: genre, text and discourse. Genre is seen here from the communicative perspective, i. e. as a social action. Although genre is identified on the bases of the form and content of a text, it is actually determined by the motivation of the writer and the function of the text. Consequently, genre is a typical rhetorical action that can be explained by certain rules and models of usage in a specific context and situation. As such, genre reveals the essence of our culture and the rules of our social interaction.Genre is described as a property of a text; therefore, texts are grouped as manifestations of different genres. Genre is supposed to reveal the external properties of a text, i.e. its function or communicative purpose and a topic. Furthermore, texts can be grouped into text types such as description, narration, explanation, argument based on their inner or linguistic properties. Genres and text types have an intricate relationship: one genre can contain different types of texts, and the same type of text, e. g. narration, can be found in a wide range of genres. The most important criterion for the identification of a specific genre is the relationship between the form and function of a text. Discourse is concieved as text in both its cultural and linguistic contexts. The notions of text and context are analysed into their types to show the relationship between genre and text type on one hand, and genre and context type (context of similar texts, context of periodicals, context of situation, etc.) on the other. In general, the term text is preferred over the term discourse in this book. The second part of the book provides theoretical background concerning generic analyses of a text. It takes M. A. K. Halliday s textual functions (ideational, interpersonal and textual renamed as representative, interpersonal and structural, respectively) as a framework encompassing a wide range of different aspects. Representative function of a text deals with its semantics. In most cases, it is discussed with regard to topic and contents. Since the diversity of these notions makes them hard to describe in a systematic way, representative function of a text is presented here as an information structure of a text. It is defined as the division of a text into its functional and/or semantic parts: deep structure, semantic and rhetorical moves.As different types of texts have different information structures, the chapter is divided into two sub-chapters addressing narrative and non-narrative (explanatory or argumentative) texts. Narrative texts are predominantly made of semantic moves, such structural parts that depend heavily on the reality and reflect it in a sequence of actions, e. g. complicating action, climax, resolution among others. Non-narrative texts are usually described as containing either two or four moves: problem and its solution, or background-problemsolution-evaluation. Other approaches allow as many moves in a text as fragments it contains which differ in their communicative purpose or function. Interpersonal function is presented from the point of view of positional and relational meaning of a text, referring to the relationship between author and readers, or author and topic of the text respectively. The author’s position specifically manifests itself as his/her proximity, through use of the strategies of involvement or detachment, subjectiveness or objectiveness. For example, authors of narrative texts tend to be more subjective and involved, while in non-narrative texts they are more objective and detached. Linguistic means of expressing the positional meaning fall into such categories as modality and hedging. In general, positional meaning reveals the author’s ideology and hierarchy of values, while relational meaning shows his/ her attitude towards an imaginary ideal reader. Structural function of a text, as presented in the last chapter of the second part of the book, involves two major approaches to text analysis: textual (condeved as coherence and cohesion), and intertextual. Coherence is understood as an inherent and obligatory feature of any text, the mechanism which turns a group of sentences into a coherent entity. [...]. [From the publication]

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