Motyvavimo priemonių poveikis benamių elgsenos pokyčiams

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Motyvavimo priemonių poveikis benamių elgsenos pokyčiams
Alternative Title:
Influence of motivation measures on the changes of the behaviour of the homeless
In the Journal:
Mokslo taikomieji tyrimai Lietuvos kolegijose [Applied research at the colleges of Lithuania]. 2016, t. 1, nr. 12, p. 126-136
Summary / Abstract:

LTBenamystės, kaip permanentinio socialinio reiškinio, ištakos yra labai senos. Benamių skaičius pasaulyje nuolatos auga. Tokį spartų augimą lemia ilgalaikis nedarbas, turtinė žmonių diferenciacija, skurdas, dalies gyventojų dorovinė ir psichinė degradacija. Dabartiniu metu benamystė įvardijama, kaip viena kraštutiniausių atskirties formų, į kurią patekę žmonės visiškai arba dalinai eliminuojami iš visiems įprastos ekonominės, kultūrinės, dvasinės žmonių bendravimo erdvės. Socialinio darbuotojo taikomos motyvavimo priemonės, benamio savęs motyvavimas yra reikšmingi norint nutraukti benamystę. Įvertinus temos aktualumą, tyrimo tikslas – motyvavimo priemonių poveikis benamių elgsenos pokyčiams. Straipsnyje teoriniu aspektu yra nagrinėjami benamiams kylantys trukdžiai savęs motyvavimo procese, pasirinktos socialinių darbuotojų taikomos motyvavimo priemonės. Kokybiniu tyrimu išsiaiškinta, kas trukdo benamiams keistis, kokios socialinio darbuotojo taikomos motyvavimo priemonės yra veiksmingos, kokios socialinio darbuotojo klaidos sukelia pasipriešinimą, sumažina norą keistis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Benamis; Benamis, elgsenos motyvacija; Klaidos; Motyvacija; Motyvavimo priemonės; Pokyčiai; Priemonės; Changes; Homeless, behavioral motivation; Measures; Mistakes; Motivation; Motivation measures; The homeless.

ENOrigins of homelessness as a permanent social phenomenon are very old. The number of homeless people in the world is constantly growing. This rapid growth is driven by long-term unemployment, differentiation of people by wealth, poverty, mental and moral degradation of part of the population. Currently homelessness has been named as one of the most extreme isolation forms. The people facing such problems are completely or partially eliminated from the common economic, cultural, spiritual human communication space. The rise of homelessness causes structural factors such as limited opportunities for affordable housing, unemployment, illegal work and even discrimination. The institutional factors, i.e. poor coordination of service and not adequate structuring of system of privileges and benefits, are additives to those negative factors. The aim of the research is to reveal the motivation measures to change the behaviour of the homeless. The subject of the research is the influence of motivation measures on the changes of the behaviour of the homeless. The objectives are to highlight the reasons that prevent the homeless from changing their lifestyle and identify essential motivation measures used by social workers to encourage homeless people to change their behaviour. The methods of the research include scientific literature analysis, semi-structured interview, and the qualitative content analysis. The study was conducted in Charity Canteen at the Social Support Centre and the Hostel for Homeless in Klaipeda. The results of the qualitative research show that it is difficult for homeless people to motivate themselves, they lack effort to change the situation. Lack of will, ill habits, satisfaction with the current situation, lack of future plans are typical of many homeless. The psychological disturbances such as shame, fear, despair, low self-esteem and inadequate social environment, lack of support reduce possibilities to return to the society.Due to all those disturbances, the homeless evaluate their future expectations insufficiently. While providing assistance, social workers use such motivation measures as support, empowerment and control. The social worker hears out, advises, encourages. The social worker tries to enable the homeless to take responsibility for their decisions, encourages to renew social connections and suggests possible future prospects for changing lifestyles. Social worker’s personal qualities are important in order to motivate his client to do some changes. Intimidation, raised voice tone or the expression of negative emotions are on an inefficient motivation list and vice versa. The positive interpersonal relationship encourages changes. [From the publication]

1822-1068; 2335-8904
2019-11-19 06:20:07
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