Stanisław Kościałkowski w Wilnie : młode łata i praca nauczycielska (do 1921 r.)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Stanisław Kościałkowski w Wilnie: młode łata i praca nauczycielska (do 1921 r.)
Alternative Title:
Stanisław Kościalkowski in Vilnius: youth and work as a teacher (to 1921)
In the Book:
Stanisław Kościałkowski : pamięci przywrócony / pod redakcją Małgorzaty Dąbrowskiej. Warszawa: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej. Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2016. P. 9-19
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: S. Koscialkovskis; Stanislovas Julianas Koscialkovskis; Stanislovas Koscialkovskis; Vilnius; Švietimo istorija; History of education; S. Koscialkowski; Stanislaw Julian Koscialkowski; Stanislaw Koscialkowski; Vilnius.

ENStanisław Kościalkowski was bom on 24 October 1881 in Grodno to an intelligentsia noble family. Therein, he graduated a Russian lower secondary school in the year 1900, with a gold medal. For one year he studied at the Russian University of Warsaw, and between 1901 and 1905 - at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, There, he defended his doctoral thesis, based on the thesis on the political role of Antoni Tyzenhauz in the times of king Stanisław August. For a year, he worked at the Vatican Archives. In August of 1906, he settled down in Vilnius taking up work as a supemumeraiy teacher of Polish at the I Gimnazjum Państwowe (1st Public Junior High School). His lessons were very popular with students, and pedagogical work soon became his life’s vocation. The scope of educational activities of Poles within the Russian Empire, including Vilnius, was quite narrow, but on the other hand, developments were seen in the private schooling sector. Kościalkowski assisted with establishing these private schools, and gave lectures in some of them. Pedagogical work in and of itself however, would not be enough to satisfy him. In 1907, Kościalkowski was one of the founders of The Society of Friends of Science in Vilnius and, until June 1911 - the secretary thereof. He developed his large-scale educational activity during World War I. During the German occupation, he was head of the Vilnius Association of Teachers and Educators, superintendent and teacher in various junior high schools around Vilnius, under the aforementioned Association’s umbrella. After the German and subsequent Bolshevik occupation, Kościalkowski was one of the organizers of the Polish Teacher’s Association convention in Lithuania in August 1919. [From the publication]

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