Dirbančių ir nedirbančių studentų paramos poreikių skirtumai: koleginių studijų atvejis

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dirbančių ir nedirbančių studentų paramos poreikių skirtumai: koleginių studijų atvejis
Alternative Title:
Differences between working and non-working students support needs: the case of college studies
In the Journal:
Mokslo taikomieji tyrimai Lietuvos kolegijose [Applied research at the colleges of Lithuania]. 2014, t. 1, nr. 10, p. 76-82
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomame tyrime yra atskleidžiami dirbančių ir nedirbančių studentų paramos poreikių skirtumai. Straipsnyje yra aptariama paramos studentams samprata bei jos tipai, teoriškai pagrindžiami dirbančių bei nedirbančių studentų paramos poreikiai. Pristatomo tyrimo metu yra nustatomi koleginių studijų studentų akademinės ir neakademinės paramos poreikių skirtumai priklausomai nuo studento įsipareigojimo darbo rinkoje bei darbo krūvio. Tyrimas atliktas 2013–2014 metais, jame dalyvavo 440 studentų iš 13 Lietuvos kolegijų. Taikytas duomenų rinkimo metodas – apklausa raštu; duomenų analizės metodai – Mann Whitney kriterijaus skaičiavimai ir dispersinė analizė. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad dirbantiems studentams labiau reikia psichologinio konsultavimo paslaugų. Atlikto tyrimo rezultatai neparodė statistiškai reikšmingo skirtumo tarp akademinių paramos studentams paslaugų tarp dirbančių bei nedirbančių studentų. Atlikus statistinių duomenų analizę taip pat nepastebėti akademinių bei neakademinių paramos studentams paslaugų poreikių skirtumai tarp skirtingą valandų skaičių per savaitę dirbančių studentų grupių. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dirbantys studentai; Dirbančių ir nedirbančių studentų paramos poreikiai; Koleginės studijos; Nedirbantys studentai; Parama; Parama studentams; Paramos reikmės; Paramos studentams tipai; Poreikiai,darbas; Studentai; Studijos; College studies; Labor; Need for support; Needs; Non-working students; Student support; Students; Studies; Support; Support needs of working and non-working students; Types of student support; Working students.

ENVarious research (Beerkenset al., 2011; Wang et al., 2010; Darmody and Smyth, 2008) indicate that the number of working students at higher education institutions has significantly increased over the recent decades. Currently the number of working students is 47 per cent in Europe, 49 per cent in the USA, and 50 per cent in Australia (Beerkenset al., 2011). The research that Darmodyand Smyth (2008) conducted in 11 European countries has revealed that even 43 per cent of students at higher education institutions have permanent employment while 18 per cent have fixed duration employment contracts. The aim of this research was to reveal the differences between working and non-working students support needs among the college students. In order to achieve this aim following tasks have been set: 1) to discuss the definition of student support and to identify its’ types; 2) to reveal the difference of working and non-working students support needs from the theoretical point of view; 3) to identity academic student supports needs depending on student responsibilities in the labor market and working hours per week; 4) to identity non-academic student supports needs depending on student responsibilities in the labor market and working hours per week. The research has been carried out during 2013-2014 year. 440 students from 13 Lithuanian universities of applied sciences participated in the research. Scientific literature analyses revealed that student support is the system of services provided by a higher education institution, which fulfils students’ emotional, academic and social needs and is a precondition for increasing student’s individual welfare and academic success. Scientific literature analyses revealed two types of student support: academic and non-academic.Academic student support involves the following services: career designing, academic student information and counselling services, student admission and integration into studies, support for international students, foreign language centre services, library services, and distance study centre services. Non-academic student support involves the following services: psychological counselling services, accommodation services, financial support and legal counselling, services that promote a sense of community, health services, and support for students with disability. The theoretical research also showed that working students need more psychological counselling, carrier designing and academic student information and counselling services. The statistical analysis of non-academic support needs of working and non-working students have showed that working students require more psychological counselling services. The research revealed no statistically significant differences in academic support services between working and non-working students. The analysis of statistical data has also revealed no differences in academic and non-academic student support needs among groups of students who works different number hours per week. [From the publication]

1822-1068; 2335-8904
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