Inovacinių medicinos turizmo pokyčių alternatyvų atranka

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Inovacinių medicinos turizmo pokyčių alternatyvų atranka
Alternative Title:
Innovative medical tourism changes in alternative selection
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2016, Nr. 3 (20), p. 20-33
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTMedicinos turizmas šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje tampa svarbia ūkio šaka, jo plėtra aktuali ir Lietuvos ekonominiam, socialiniam bei kultūriniam gyvenimui. Lietuvos medicinos turizmo plėtrai yra objektyvios sąlygos: geografinė padėtis, unikali gamta ir švelnus klimatas, gydomieji gamtos ištekliai, senos kurortinio gydymo tradicijos bei aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistai. Tačiau Lietuvoje esant tokioms palankioms plėtros sąlygoms ši ūkio šaka visapusiškai neišnaudojama, taigi atsiliekama nuo pirmaujančių šioje srityje šalių. Todėl plėtojant medicinos turizmą, būtina numatyti atrinktų prioritetinių inovacinių pokyčių diegimą, reitinguojant siūlomas alternatyvas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Formalizuotas ekspertinis modifikuotas prioritetų skirstymo ir parinkimo metodas; Inovacijos turizme; Medicinos turizmas; Optimalaus alternatyvaus sprendimo atranka; Turizmas; Turizmo sektorius; A formalized expert modified the allocation of priorities and selection; Health tourism; Innovation in tourism; Medical tourism; Optimal deployment selection; Tourism; Tourism sector.

ENMedical tourism in the modern world is becoming an important branch of industry, in which development is actual to Lithuania’s economic, social and cultural life. Lithuanian medical tourism development objective conditions (geographical location, unique nature and mild climate, natural healing resources, deep tradition of spa treatments and highly skilled professionals) provides good possibilities for its development. But in Lithuania, these conditions of tourism development is under-used situations, which leads to lag behind the leading countries in this field. The Lithuanian medical tourism analysis and comparison with Latvia and Estonia and the world ranking, it can be stated: the lack of invested into tourism infrastructure (the number of hotel rooms, car rentals, a diversified health and wellness services to provide the number of organizations); the tourism sector as a priority area Non-separation (insufficient government spending on tourism, ineffective marketing; government priorities); air transport infrastructure, lack of development (a small number of airlines, air quality deficiency). Therefore, for the development of medical tourism, it is necessary: anticipate innovative changes in the deployment of the alternative development options of rating, using a formalized expert selection; two medical tourism destinations combination (attracting educational and cultural trips, Rural tourism farms); tourism market diversification; 4 seasons resorts operating in the development of new inclusion; price differentiation and a responsible and targeted income management and distribution; new medical services, which include: health promotion (Health and Medical Tourism) – i.e. treatment and health (wellness tourism) – i.e. prevention.Innovative medical tourism change of alternatives ranking and the optimal sampling, it is appropriate to use – a formalized expert modified the allocation of priorities and selection (MPSP) method when it comes to simultaneously evaluate the absence of complete information, the innovative changes in the quantitative and qualitative indicators (criteria) influence to obtain a complex (total) innovative change in priority. [From the publication]

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2020-04-10 06:34:37
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