Pažangių planavimo sistemų ir taupios gamybos kompleksinio taikymo galimybės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pažangių planavimo sistemų ir taupios gamybos kompleksinio taikymo galimybės
Alternative Title:
Possibilities of combined use of advanced planning systems and lean manufacturing
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2015, Nr. 2 (16), p. 116-125
Summary / Abstract:

LTTaupi gamyba (angl. lean) ir pažangios planavimo sistemos (PPS) taikomos siekiant padidinti gamybos efektyvumą ir suteikti organizacijai konkurencinį pranašumą. Tačiau dažnu atveju šių sistemų diegimas būna nesėkmingas, arba teigiami rezultatai yra laikini, to galima būtų išvengti taupią gamybą ir PPS naudojant kompleksiškai. Šio straipsnio tikslas – įvertinti taupios gamybos ir pažangių planavimo sistemų kompleksinio naudojimo galimybes. Taikant mokslinės literatūros analizės ir apibendrinimo metodus, ekspertų apklausą straipsnyje įvertintas PPS ir taupios gamybos vystymasis, išanalizuotos šių dviejų sistemų sąsajos. Daroma išvada, kad tiek PPS, tiek taupia gamyba siekiama iš esmės tų pačių tikslų, todėl šios sistemos viena kitą papildo, o jų kompleksinis taikymas duoda didesnį efektą nei kiekvienos iš sistemų taikymas atskirai. Todėl, nusprendus taikyti taupią gamybą, vertėtų pasidomėti PPS teikiamais privalumais ir atvirkščiai – PPS diegimas gali palengvėti, jei prieš tai gamybos procesai sutvarkyti vadovaujantis taupios gamybos principais. Atliktas tyrimas atskleidė, kad geriausio rezultato galima būtų tikėtis diegiant abi sistemas vienu metu. [Iš leidinio]

ENIn this article we analyse the problem, of how lean manufacturing and advanced planning systems (APS) could be used together. The object of the research is the use of APS with lean manufacturing, the goal of the article is to determine the possibilities of combined use of APS and lean manufacturing. Main tasks of the article are: 1. to research the evolution of APS and lean manufacturing; 2. to uncover the relations between lean and APS; 3. to examine the impact of lean manufacturing on the success of APS implementation. Analysis of scientific literature on APS and lean manufacturing was used as one of the methods of research; the other was expert survey method. Both APS and lean manufacturing could be linked to the need of companies gain global competitive advantage and to solve the problems that could not be solved by the use of ERP systems. Lean has its roots in TPS, later it developed both as a set of specific tools and techniques (5s, JIT, 7 wastes, SMED, PDCA, kaizen, kanban etc.) and as a philosophy of lean manufacturing, that is based on principles of determining value, mapping value stream, creating flow, establishing pull and seeking perfection. It would not be advisable to narrow lean only to the use of its tools; the tools should be applied according to the principles of lean. The evolution of APS is linked to the development of FCS, with the development of IT and technical capabilities advanced planning systems could emerge. With the help of APS one can manage uncertainty, reduce costs, and shorten lead times by using optimization. APS can also provide the right and timely information that is needed for the operation of lean manufacturing. Even though lean and APS developed independently from one another we can see them getting closer – APS is becoming linked to lean and could be implemented together with it.Both lean and APS are used as a mean for the same goal, that is why these systems complement each other, the use of them together provides better effect than the use of them separately. They are also linked by similar philosophy, use of similar principles; the tools of lean used in combination with APS get additional qualities and are able to solve problems that they previously couldn’t. APS and lean connect through bottleneck management, kaizen, kanban, heijunka, setup minimisation, load levelling, JIT, minimisation of work in progress and excess inventory. APS provides the speed and agility where manual practices of lean manufacturing are to slow to react, provide accurate information for decision makers about current situation on the shop floor. The results of expert survey showed, that lean has average but positive impact on the success of APS implementation. It is not necessary to implement lean before implementing APS, although it is possible and even provides certain benefits, but the best way, according to experts, is to implement lean and APS simultaneously if possible. APS allows using lean manufacturing without over simplification; planning algorithms, visualization of production, effective control and other advantages of APS expand possibilities of lean manufacturing. Simultaneous implementation of lean and APS increases the probability, that both of the systems are implemented successfully, and the result is better and more sustainable than it would be using only one. Because of that, one aspiring to start using lean manufacturing should acquaint himself with the possibilities provided by APS and vice versa, after deciding to implement APS, one should also look at the principles and tools of lean. [From the publication]

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