Kareivinės, tapusios Klaipėdos universitetu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kareivinės, tapusios Klaipėdos universitetu
Alternative Title:
Barracks that became Klaipėda university
Safronovas, Vasilijus, sudarymas, redagavimas [com, edt]
Publication Data:
Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2012.
258 p
Bibliografija išnašose.
Įvadas / Silva Pocytė, Vasilijus Safronovas — Po juodojo erelio skeptru / Vasilijus Safronovas — Territoire de Memel. Prancūzai Klaipėdos kareivinėse / Vygantas Vareikis — Lietuvos trispalvė virš kareivinių / Vytautas Jokubauskas — Trečiojo Reicho jūrų tvirtovė / Vasilijus Safronovas — Karinis miestelis Nr. 1 / Vygantas Vareikis — Sąjūdis, universitetas, kariuomenė / Vygantas Vareikis — The barracks that became Klaipėda university. Summary — Einst Kaserne, heute Universität Klaipėda. Zusammenfassung — Казармы, ставшие Клайпедским университетом. Резюме — List of illustrations – Abbildungsverzeichnis — Список иллюстраций – Priedas. Pažįstant kultūrų kaitą: praeities tyrimų Klaipėdos universiteto Baltijos regiono istorijos ir archeologijos institute dvidešimtmetis / Silva Pocytė, Vasilijus Safronovas.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKlaipėdos universiteto Baltijos regiono istorijos ir archeologijos instituto dvidešimtmečiui, Universiteto dvidešimtmečiui ir Klaipėdos miesto 760-m ečiui skirtame leidinyje trys istorikai atskleidžia buvusių kareivinių ansamblio Klaipėdoje istoriją. Šešiose studijos dalyse pirmą kartą istoriografijoje išsamiai analizuojama įgulos kaita Klaipėdoje, kariuomenės ir miesto santykiai, buvusių kareivinių virsmas Klaipėdos universitetu ir kartu Klaipėdos miesto tapsmas universitetiniu miestu. Populiariai, bet laikantis akademinių standartų, parašyta mokslo studija yra gausiai iliustruota unikalia ikonografine medžiaga. Ji skiriama Universiteto bendruomenei, Klaipėdos miestiečiams ir visiems, besidomintiems sudėtinga XX amžiaus Klaipėdos krašto istorija. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Prūsijos Karalystė; Karinė įgula; Kareivinės; Šauktiniai; Kovos simbolika; Sovietų armija; Karinis miestelis; Lietuvos persitvarkymo sąjūdis; Kultūrų kaita; Klaipėdos universitetas; Kingdom of Prussia; Military garrison; Barracks; Conscripts; Fight symbolics; Soviet army; Cantonment; Lithuanian reconstruction movement; Change of cultures; University of Klaipeda.

ENThe spaces of the barracks that emerged in Klaipėda in the early 20th c. have been adjusted to the needs of research and studies and have been used by Klaipėda University since 1993. There have been few cases in Europe when the spaces, where for over a century young men were educated and trained, on the basis of canonized knowledge, how to use weapon to defend their homeland, were transformed into the space with the function of enabling young people to acquire professional specialization and simultaneously to master regularly updated knowledge and universal values. Compared to other similar transformations in European cities, the transfer of the buildings and the area of the former barracks to Klaipėda University provided a truly rare opportunity to create a campus with the infrastructure indispensable for research, studies, and students’ daily life. The process, although it has not been progressing as fast as one would like to, is already well under way: the space of the former barracks complex, most valuable in terms of history and architecture, was nearly resurrected in the period of 1994 to 2009. The building of the complex housed the administration of Klaipėda University, the Faculties of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the Humanities, and Health Sciences, as well as the Baltic Coastal Research and Planning Institute and the Institute of Baltic Sea Region History and Archaeology. It is the history of the said neo-gothical ensemble that is presented in the present study of three historians of Klaipėda University.One would wonder: how can a history of barracks be of any interest? After having collected unique, little known information from the archival documents, periodicals, and recollections of witnesses, as well as scarce letter, photos, postcards, and plans of the previous century, the history of the barracks is presented not merely as a history of the buildings. The book tries to make the buildings speak and to narrate the story of military units and people who once served in those barracks. How did the military units appear in Klaipėda? What was the routine of their life in the barracks? In what way did the changes in the routine depend on the cultural characteristics of the soldiers? The micro-level research, which is presented in the book by encouraging to see small things on a more universal level, proves that the transformation of the barracks into a university is not merely a transformation of the barracks themselves. The sketches of the changes in the relationships of the garrison and the city of Klaipėda provided in the book witness that they also meant transformation of the City of Klaipėda. Due to crucial decisions taken at the end of the 20th c., Klaipėda, that for several centuries was a garrison and a military city on the border of the states fond of demonstrating their military power, currently has every opportunity to become a university town. [From the publication]

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