Pakartojimų funkcijos dialoguose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pakartojimų funkcijos dialoguose
Alternative Title:
Functions of repetitions in dialogue
In the Journal:
Profesinės studijos: teorija ir praktika [Professional studies: theory and practice]. 2012, Nr. 10, p. 19-24
Summary / Abstract:

LTTyrinėjant dialogus galima daryti išvadą, kad pakartojimus ir jų struktūrą lemia dvi kalbos funkcijos - komunikacinė ir fatinė, kurios tekste yra susipynusios. Tyrinėjimui panaudota medžiaga - užrašyti ir iššifruoti pokalbių tekstai, kurių bendroji imtis 40 000 spaudos ženklų. Komunikacinę funkciją atlieka pakartojimai, skirti pokalbio dalyvių pasakymų junglumui ir patikslinimui, o fatinės (graikų kalbos žodį fatis „gandas“) funkcijos esmė - kontaktų palaikymas, davimas pokalbio dalyviui suprasti, kad jo klausomasi. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dialogas; Fatinė funkcija; Kalbos funkcijos dialoge; Komunikacinė funkcija; Pakartojimas tekste; Pakartojimų funkcijos dialoge; Communicative function; Dialogue; Functions of repetitions in dialogue; Language functions in dialogue; Phatic function; Repetition in the text.

ENRepetition is one of the most important phenomena in language — in grammar as well as in syntax; it appears because there must be necessary excess of information in speech e.g. a widely known case is agreement of adjectives with nouns: inflexions of adjectives are unnecessary; they only reduplicate the indices of noun gender. When researching cohesive texts it has been noticed that repetitions in texts are determined by two different language functions - communicative and phatic, which can sometimes interrelate in the text. The material used for the research is recorded and decoded texts total scope of which is 40 000 symbols. Communicative function is played by repetitions that are meant for text combinability of the participants of the conversation, e.g. the last words like for example, think, you know of the first interlocutor is repeated by the second interlocutor, i.e. the replicating partner of the dialogue. Apart from one or another way of information conveyance in the conversation, there is always one more function, which is not meant to convey any information but its presence in dialogues or polylogues is inevitable. This function is called phatic from the Greek word fatis “rumor”. The essence of this function is to keep contacts, impressing the participant of the conversation that he/she is listened to but not indicating whether the listener agrees or opposes him/her. Assents as well as contradictions in dialogues are less significant than the signals pointing to keeping a contact. The cases of the phatic function that have been analyzed best are conversations about weather and health, e.g. it would be weird if they were answered seriously.Conversations in three possible dialogues have been researched: (1) in female conversations. (2) in male conversations and in (3) male and female conversations. It has been noticed that more words performing phatic function like well, mhhh, mmm, maybe, nothing can be found in dialogues, which prove that the listener is being listened to. Often phatic function reflects in the replicas of three participants of the polylogue simultaneously repeating conjunctions as well as separate parts of the words. It has been noticed that women are more likely not to finish their sentences in this way giving permission to men to repeat the last word they uttered and to start a new replica. It can be concluded that the purpose of repetitions in women’s replicas is to continue conversation; meanwhile the purpose of repetitions in men’s replicas is to change the topic of the conversation or to interrupt the partner by repeating the part of the interlocutor’s replica. [From the publication]

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2019-07-24 12:34:47
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