Profesinės veiklos praktikų svarba būsimai studento profesinei veiklai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Profesinės veiklos praktikų svarba būsimai studento profesinei veiklai
Alternative Title:
Importance of professional activity practice to future professional activity of a student
In the Journal:
Profesinės studijos: teorija ir praktika [Professional studies: theory and practice]. 2012, Nr. 9, p. 134-141
Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Kompetencijos / Competencies.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje atskleistas Šiaulių valstybinės kolegijos (toliau - Kolegijos) Įstaigų ir įmonių administravimo studijų programos studentų požiūris į profesinės veiklos praktikų organizavimą, jų atlikimą, apibendrinami Kolegijos praktikos vadovo veiklos aspektai, įžvelgiamos praktikų organizavimo tobulinimo galimybės bei praktikų nauda būsimai studento profesinei veiklai. Būsimų specialistų praktinių kompetencijų ugdymas - vienas svarbiausių kolegijoms keliamų reikalavimų. Profesinės veiklos praktika yra neatsiejama koleginių studijų proceso dalis. Praktikų metu atsiranda reali galimybė patikrinti ir pagilinti studijų metu įgytas specialybės žinias, įgyti savarankiškos profesinės veiklos įgūdžių. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kompetencijų ugdymas; Profesinė praktika; Profesinė veikla; Development of competences; Professional activity; Professional practice.

ENSpecialists of higher school are prepared for job market and therefore links with the world of employment are inevitable in the area of professional field. When practical tasks are prepared, experience of employers - experts of professional field would be of a great significance and not only in the definition of competences sought to gain during practices but also in the assistance to optimize the process of studying and evaluation. Therefore, employers should be included into the preparation of practical tasks, invited to defence of practical reports and discussion of results. During the discussion of practice results, employers could express their reasoned opinion on quality of specialists trained, indicate gaps of studies, this way influencing the rise of natural feedback between employers and higher school training the specialists. Without the direct relationship with potential employers, the touch is lost with the constantly shifting needs in the country and that is why the competence and skills of young specialists very often do not meet the increased needs of employers. Development of practical competences among future specialists is one of the general requirements set to colleges. Professional activity practice is the integral part in the process of college studies. In the course of such practices there is a real opportunity to verify and deepen the speciality knowledge acquired during studies and to gain skills of independent professional activity.Aim of the research is to ascertain the advantage of professional activity practices to future professional activity of students. Legal aspects of the organisation of practices have been reviewed, current situation of the organisation of professional activity practices and possible changes in Šiauliai State College have been assessed as well as the quantitative research has been conducted which are tasks of the research having allowed to achieve the goals determined. In order to ascertain the advantage of practice to future professional activity of students, the quantitative research has been conducted with the respondents being the students studying the programme of Administration of companies and institutions in Šiauliai State College. Several methods of the research have been applied in order to perform analysis of the research: analysis of literature and documents regulating the organisation of practices, generalizations; quantitative research method has been applied, namely written questionnaires. Upon the generalisation of the research data it was established that practices are of a great advantage and have influence not only to future professional activity of students but also may be beneficial to employers. During practices, employers have a chance already at an earlier stage of preparation to get familiarized with potential employees. Mutual relationship between potential employer and potential employee could have positive impact on students’ further motivated studies. If larger attention is paid to the development and implementation of efficient practice completion systems, this would significantly decrease the number of papers as well as would motivate students during practices to strive for the competences required for specific professional activities. [From the publication]

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