Kompiuterijos terminai baigiamuosiuose projektuose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kompiuterijos terminai baigiamuosiuose projektuose
Alternative Title:
Computer terms in final projects
In the Journal:
Profesinės studijos: teorija ir praktika [Professional studies: theory and practice]. 2010, Nr. 7, p. 26-30
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Baigiamasis projektas; Kalbos klaida; Kompiuterijos terminija; Svetimybė; Terminas; Terminų bankas; Terminų santrumpos; Barbarismus; Computer terms; Final project; Language mistake; Term; Term abbreviations; Term bank.

ENThe goal of the article is to analyse and evaluate the usage of computer terms of the students’ final projects of Information Systems Technology study programme 2008-2009 at Šiauliai State College. The groups of the most common mistakes made in computer term usage are being discussed: barbarisms, outdated or renamed, inaccurate terms, mistakes in term building, forms, other inaccuracies in spelling, term syntax, term abbreviations. Major part of irregular terms comprise barbarisms of English origin, especially out-dated or replaced, not exact terms as well. There is a certain amount of mistakes which occur in nearly all the final projects (e.g. certain kinds of cables, incorrect compound terms with the adjective wireless). It is necessary to pay attention to the usage of abbreviations of computer terms i.e. where it is possible to use Lithuanian terms/or abbreviations instead of the English ones. During the lectures of the Basics of Professional Language it would be advisable to pay more attention to the most common, irregular, problematic and not clear terms and encourage the students to make use of the latest term dictionaries, resolutions of State Commission of the Lithuanian Language, Term bank. [From the publication]

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