LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Baigiamasis projektas; Elektros energetikos specialybės kalba; Kalbos klaida; Specialybės kalba; Final project; Language mistake; Power specialty language; Speciality language.
ENThe purpose of the article is to analyze and evaluate the language of final projects of Electrical Engineering study program at Šiauliai College. While carrying out final projects students do not always pay attention to accuracy of the language - the use of vocabulary, morphology, word building, syntax, spelling, punctuation, peculiarities of scientific language are not very well recognized. Major part of vocabulary mistakes in students' projects is made in semantics (misusage of words) and improper translations, the biggest amount of mistakes are noticed in word building is incorrect usage of compound words. Common mistakes are made in usage of gender, pronominal, non-pronominal forms, and degrees of comparison. Quite common mistakes noted are in syntax such as cases, prepositions, postpositions. Not all the students are careful about the structure of the sentence. While checking the projects you are under the impression that there is no time left to correct basic spelling, punctuation mistakes. The language of final projects has to be accurate and correct, that is why while assessing them it is highly recommended to pay attention to the knowledge of the language, and students have to consult not only the professionals of their fields but experts in Lithuanian language as well. [From the publication]