Valstybės tarnautojų kompiuterinio raštingumo raiška

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybės tarnautojų kompiuterinio raštingumo raiška
Alternative Title:
Computer literacy expression of the civil servant
In the Journal:
Profesinės studijos: teorija ir praktika [Professional studies: theory and practice]. 2008, Nr. 4, p. 11-19
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama kompiuterinio raštingumo samprata bei jos kaita laiko perspektyvoje. Apibrėžiamas kompiuterinio raštingumo turinys, sertifikavimo sistemos, bei apibūdinami valstybės tarnyboje reikiami kompiuterinio raštingumo gebėjimai. Straipsnyje gvildenama profesinio kompiuterinio raštingumo problema valstybės tarnyboje bei siekiama aptarti valstybės tarnautojų kompiuterinio raštingumo raišką. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kompiuterinis raštingumas; Valstybės tarnautojas; Valstybės tarnyba; Civil servant; Civil service; Computer literacy; Public administration.

ENThe theme of this article is The computer literacy expression of the civil servant. The aim of article is explore computer literacy expression of the civil servant. In the article is unclosed computer literacy topic in the civil service, reverse- engineer Lithuanian and foreign author computer literacy conception and sound. Computer literacy is the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently. Computer literacy can also refer to the comfort level the civil servant has with using computer programs and other applications that are associated with computers. Another valuable component of computer literacy knows how computers work and operate. Computer literacy is considered to be a very important skill to possess while in the civil servant. Many agencies try to use computers to help run their agency faster and simple. [From the publication]

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