Abuse in adult intimate relationships in Lithuania and it’s influence on subjectively perceived health

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Abuse in adult intimate relationships in Lithuania and it’s influence on subjectively perceived health
In the Journal:
Procedia - social and behavioral sciences. 2014, 159, p. 584-588. 5th World conference on psychology, counseling and guidance, WCPCG-2014
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Fizinė prievarta; Intymūs santykiai; Psichinė / emocinė prievarta; Psichinė emocinė prievarta; Seksualinė prievarta; Smurtas ir prievarta; Subjektyviai suvokiama sveikata; Abuse; Intimate relationship; Intimate relationships; Lithuania; Mental emotional abuse; Mental/emotional abuse; Physical abuse; Sexual abuse; Subjectively perceived health.

ENThe purpose of the study was to assess abuse in adult intimate relationships and its influence on subjectively perceived health. To assess the experience of abuse, subjects were asked to answer questions about having been physically, mentally/emotionally and sexually abused from an intimate partner. To determine a subjectively perceived health state, subjects were questioned based on Gostautas health and behavior assessment questionnaire (1999). 240 subjects participated in the survey. The study results revealed that ∼40% of adults reported having been mentally/emotionally abused from their partners. Almost 10% of the subjects reported having experienced physical abuse. Statistical analysis showed that having experienced abuse from a partner predicts a significantly poorer mental and general subjective health. The results validate the importance of domestic violence and its implications on subjective health. Also, they draw attention to a wide prevalence of domestic violence within intimate relationships. [From the publication]

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2021-03-21 13:22:00
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