Gimtoji kalba kaip būsimųjų karininkų tautinio kultūrinio tapatumo raiškos matmuo

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Gimtoji kalba kaip būsimųjų karininkų tautinio kultūrinio tapatumo raiškos matmuo
Alternative Title:
Mother tongue as a way to measure future officer s’ expression of national cultural identity
In the Journal:
Kultūrinis identitetas / Cultural identitity.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikiami būsimųjų karininkų santykio su gimtąja kalba, esminiu tautinio tapatumo raiškos matmeniu, tęstinio tyrimo rezultatai. Išryškinamos globalizacijos grėsmės tautų kultūroms, kalbos gyvybingumui, asmens vertybių sistemai. Pristatyti Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijos kariūnų tautinio tapatumo patirties ir jo raiškos kaitos daugiakultūrėje aplinkoje kokybinių tyrimų (2011 ir 2015 m.) rezultatai. Taikant lyginimo metodą, nustatyti respondentų kultūrinio identiteto raiškos lygmenys. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Globalizacija; Individualumas; Kalba; Kariūnai; Tautinis tapatumas; Cadets; Globalization; Individuality; National identity; Speaks.

ENThe relevance of the selected topic is confirmed by the EU Language Policy promoting linguistic diversity as well as Lithuania’s most recent documents which establish the principles, such as national identity, continuation of the tradition to discover the past and openness to cultural diversity. Moreover, one of their main objectives say that at the age of globalization it is important to reconsider one’s national identity. The object of the research is the significance of native language for the formation and expression of academic youth’s national identity. The research problem is a native language as a way to measure academic youth’s expression of national cultural identity. The goal is to investigate and identify the significance of native language for the future officers’ national cultural identity and the change of its expression. Globalization is a factor destroying a person’s national cultural identity which, as a result, is changing the attitude towards nationalism and citizenship. The biggest threats to national identity today are as follows: national legislation is automatically aligned with the EU legislation, national citizenship is becoming European, national defence function of a state and its role are getting weaker and cosmopolitan attitudes are popularized by the media. Language is a way to measure the expression of nation’s individuality. It reflects the nation’s intelligence, social character, artistic inclination, aesthetic skills, world’s perception, mindset and world view, i.e. all of its individuality. Through a native language a person is associated with his/her own existence and the people. Therefore, attachment to a mother tongue is automatic and instinctive. Language is a key link connecting the people of a nation which manifests itself in many levels: from everyday and domestic communication to philosophy, poetry and prayer, the highest unfolding of the human spirit.The results of the empirical comparative study show that due to more profound effects of globalization, future officers are getting more modern as their national cultural identity is essentially correlated with the quality of the existing cultural knowledge and its awareness level which is formed via mental practices and activities. It is the main source of their spiritual values, emotional experiences and activities. Using a complex of integral knowledge, abilities and skills while learning, cadets open up to promising authentic personal development of a rather global identity while using their own language. [From the publication]

2022-08-29 14:42:57
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