Universitetinių studijų problematika studentų požiūriu: priežastys ir lūkesčiai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Universitetinių studijų problematika studentų požiūriu: priežastys ir lūkesčiai
Alternative Title:
University study problems from the point of view of students: motives and expectations
In the Journal:
Švietimas: politika, vadyba, kokybė [Education Policy, Management and Quality]. 2013, Nr. 1 (13), p. 8-18
Studentai / Students; Universitetai / Universities.
Summary / Abstract:

LTAukštasis universitetinis išsilavinimas yra daugialypis reiškinys. Tiek globalūs, tiek lokalūs politiniai, socioekonominiai pokyčiai sąlygoja ir aukštojo mokslo sistemos raidą. Universitetai siekia adekvačiai reaguoti į įvairius iššūkius, nors ir ne visuomet sėkmingai. Akivaizdus dalykas – stiprėjanti konkurencija tarp universitetų tiek nacionaliniu, tiek tarptautiniu lygiu. Natūralu, kad susiduriama su įvairiais sunkumais. Suprantama, kad bet kurios problemos sprendimas reikalauja patikimos ir adekvačios informacijos. Universitetų studentų nuomonių aukštojo mokslo problematikos klausimais tyrimai nepraranda aktualumo. Priešingai, gaunama gana objektyvi pirminė informacija apie vykstančius šiame sektoriuje procesus. 2012 metų sausio–vasario mėnesiais atliktas empirinis tyrimas (N=544) parodė, kad studentų nuomonės apie aukštąjį universitetinį išsilavinimą yra iš esmės kontroversiškos. Atlikus respondentų lūkesčių analizę nustatyta, kad daugiausia jauni žmonės orientuojasi į saviraišką. Susirasti darbą pagal įgytą specialybę, dirbti mėgstamą darbą, daryti karjerą yra patys esminiai studentų lūkesčiai. Išsilavinimo siekimas, karjeros galimybės taip pat yra ir svarbiausios priežastys (motyvai), lėmusios studentų apsisprendimą studijuoti universitete. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Apklausa, empirinis tyrimas, jaunimo lūkesčiai, kokybinė analizė, universitetinis; Aukštasis mokslas; Išsilavinimas; Studentai; Universitetinis išsilavinimas; Universitetinės studijos; Higher education; Students; Survey, empiric research, qualitative analysis, university education, expectations; University education; University studies.

ENUniversity education is a multiplex phenomenon. Both global and local political, socioeconomic changes condition higher education system’s development too. Universities seek to adequately react to various challenges, though not always successfully. An obvious thing is growing competition among universities – both at national and international levels. It is natural, that various hardships are being faced. It is understandable, that solution to any problem requires reliable and adequate information. University students’ opinion on higher education problematics questions research doesn’t lose its relevance. On the contrary, in this way rather objective initial information is obtained about the processes taking place in this sector. The empiric research (N=544) carried out between January and February 2012 showed, that students’ opinions about higher university education are, in fact, controversial. Having accomplished expectation analysis of the respondents, it was stated, that young people mostly orientate into self-realisation. Finding a job according to the acquired speciality, having a likable job, making career are the very essential students’ expectations. Education seeking, career possibilities are also the most important motives having determined the students’ decision to study at university. The main motive, having encouraged the students to choose university studies is seeking for education. Seeking for education is becoming a very important value for contemporary youth. A very important motive choosing university studies is seeking for future career and better (or imaginably better) person’s, having a university education, position in labour market. People of great significance (parents, teachers, friends and other) have very little influence on choosing university studies. Personal decision has the greatest influence while making a decision.Having graduated from university, and acquired necessary education, the biggest part of students relate their expectations with the open opportunities to realise themselves and seek professional career both in the country and outside its boundaries. A part of students after graduation from bachelor studies are planning to seek further education studying for master’s degree in Lithuania or abroad. Another part of students, as the main expectation related with university studies, point out the nearest, obviously pragmatic purposes – to successfully graduate the studies, not foreseeing further goals and opportunities. A very essential thing that came into light is student’s expectations focused on finding a job, getting it and so on. Almost unexpressed expectations are related with personal working place creation (own business, enterprise establishment and so on), which would be a very significant indicator and result of a qualitative university education. [From the publication]

2021-02-25 09:59:03
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