Vertybių aktualumas slaugoje : studentų, dėstytojų, slaugytojų nuomonės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vertybių aktualumas slaugoje: studentų, dėstytojų, slaugytojų nuomonės
Alternative Title:
Relevance of values in nursing: opinions of students, teachers and nurses
In the Journal:
Profesinės studijos: teorija ir praktika [Professional studies: theory and practice]. 2014, Nr. 14, p. 84-91
Ideologija. Pasaulėžiūra / Ideology. Worldviews; Pedagogai / Pedagogues; Slauga. Slaugytojai / Nursing. Nurses; Studentai / Students.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas studentų, dėstytojų ir slaugytojų nuomonės apie vertybių aktualumą slaugoje. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kaip tyrimo dalyviai reitinguoja slaugai aktualias vertybes: iš rezultatų matyti, kad studentų ir dėstytojų nuomonės dažniausiai yra panašios. Tai leidžia daryti prielaidą, jog teorinėse studijose dėstytojai turi įtakos studentų vertybinių sampratų ir nuomonių formavimuisi. Tačiau praktikoje studentai keičia nuostatas dėl vertybių, ir todėl jie laikosi slaugytojoms artimos nuomonės apie vertybes slaugoje. Slaugytojų nuomonės ženkliai skiriasi nuo dėstytojų, kas rodo akademinio ir slaugos praktikos atstovų tikslinių diskusijų poreikį apie vertybių inkorporavimą į slaugos studijų programos turinį. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad skirtingų respondentų grupių nuomonės sutapo, tai leido suformuoti atskirus, slaugai aktualių vertybių klasterius, turinčius empirinę ir koncepcinę vertę. Vertinant vertybes pagal prioritetus, susidarė studentų–slaugytojų klasteris, kuriame sutapo vertybių pasiskirstymas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendrosios vertybės; Dėstytojas; Dėstytojas, profesinės vertybės; Profesinės vertybės; Slaugytojas; Studentas; General values; Nurse; Professional values; Student; Teacher / lecturer.

ENResearch issue focuses on the differences between opinions of stduents, teachers / lecturers and nurses regarding velues, what highlights that the aspect of values in nursing is cruacial. Also the issue is that here is still no there the consequence and the united general view regarding nurses’ vocational training and education, where continually are realized the interactions between techers, stduents and the professional nursing activity, where the core teachers for stduents and teachers are nurses. Research subject are opinions of students, teachers / lecturers and nruses about values in nursing. Research aim is to disclose the commonalities and gaps between the opinions of students, teachers and nurses about values in order to form emiprical-conceptual clusters of their opinions. Research questions are following: What values that are relevant to nursing prioritetise teachers, students and nurses? What are the empirical-conceptual diads about values among research participants? Sample. In the research had participated last study year nursing students from five Lithuanian Colleges, their teachers / lecturers and nurses. Totally in research took part 192 students, 39 teachers / lecturers ‚ teachers and 168 nurses. Respondents were chosen according to the needs of research study in order the sample would represent the representatives of population, which is responsible for concrete activity (which is actual for the research). Methods. For data collection is applied the questioning survey and the data analysis were performed by using the SPSS 17.0 version, Microsoft Excel programme. The descriptional statistics and factorail analysis were performed in the research.Results. The research revealed different opinions of representatives from different sample groups about actual values for nursing. It is evident that these opinions reflect not only their attitudes, but also the views and stereotypes of the society. The empirical-conceptual clusters, which were constructed from opinions of nursing students, teachers / lecturers and nurses, reflect not only the personal, but also the societal attitudes about nurses and nursing values. Conclusion. The formed empirical-conceptual clusters created the possibility to uncode the actuality of nursing values and the need for it in training of nurses. These clusters reflect not only the opinions of research participants, but also the attitudes, stereotypes of the society about nursing activity and nursing profession. The most evident reflection of society‘s attitudes is represented by teachers‘ / lecturers‘ opinions. Nurses‘ opinions hopefully had been transformed from the theory (which were studied in institutions of vocational training and education) to practice (in real nursing activity in health care institutions), so why their opinions are significantly different from teachers‘ / lecturers‘ opinions. Students ‘in-between‘ the teachers / lecturers and nurses, and they construct the own understandings, on the basic of experiences and knowledge from both ‚sides‘. It is evident the empirical moment that nurses, as representatives of the same profession, have stronger influence on construction of students‘ opinions, understandings and attitudes about the nursing values. [From the publication]

2018-12-17 00:23:40
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