LTStraipsnyje tiriamas Lietuvos moksleivių finansinio raštingumo poveikis jų taupymo elgsenai trumpuoju laikotarpiu. Tyrimui pasirinktas anketinės apklausos metodas, taikytas renkant duomenis apie moksleivių faktinį ir subjektyvų finansinį raštingumą, taupymo lygį, taupymo reguliarumą, taupymo tikslus, požiūrį į taupymą, motyvaciją taupyti ir pasitikėjimą savo taupymo žiniomis bei įgūdžiais. Šie duomenys naudoti vertinant jaunuolių finansinio raštingumo poveikį jų taupymo elgsenai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Asmeniniai finansai; Finansinis raštingumas; Lietuvos mokyklos; Paauglių taupymas; Adolescent saving; Financial education; Lithuanian schools; Personal finance.
ENThis article aims to assess the influence of financial literacy of Lithuanian high school students on their saving behavior. The survey questioned the financial knowledge, ability to save, saving level, regularity in saving, saving motives, attitude towards saving, saving motivation and confidence in the saving skills of Lithuanian high school students. A total of 440 questionnaires were collected in Spring 2017 portraying a representative sample of Lithuanian high school students’ population. Results of the survey revealed that the level of financial literacy of Lithuanian high school students cannot be considered as high. One fifth of the researched students were not able to answer questions about some specific areas of finance. Lithuanian students who participated in the survey have rational saving habits. The level of their saving is much higher than that of Lithuanian households overall and similar to the levels of adolescent savings in the other countries. It promises a higher level of savings in the future, with current students embracing important savings and consumption decisions. The majority of Lithuanian high school students are irregular savers while the level of regular saving among them is slightly lower compared to adolescents in other countries. The reason for this might be the lack of regular income or lower income in general. Their attitude towards saving is close to neutrality and such results are comparable with previous research.Most respondents realize that saving can help to achieve their goals. The motivation of students to save can be evaluated as moderate, even though they realize that saving is necessary. The comparative analysis of subjective and agregate actual saving behaviour revealed that the vast majority of the surveyed Lithuanian high school students tend to underestimate their saving behavior habits and skills. Such underconfidence in the saving habits and skills of Lithuanian adolecsents might have negative influence on saving patterns across age groups in the future. Results of this survey are comparable with the results of the other studies in the same age group across different countries and with the results of Lithuania household surveys in other age groups. The data collected with the help of introduced survey on the financial literacy and the saving behavior of Lithuanian high school students was used in the model to test the influence of financial literacy on the saving behavior. The model revealed that financial literacy as well as the gender of a respondent and his/her subjective saving behavior (the confidence in the respondents saving habits and skills) have significant influence on the saving behavior of Lithuanian high school students. The deeper financial knowledge as well as higher confidence in ones’ saving habits and skills determine the more rational and more effective actual saving behavior. [From the publication]