Savivaldybių žinių formavimo analizė atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių plataus panaudojimo pavyzdžiu

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Savivaldybių žinių formavimo analizė atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių plataus panaudojimo pavyzdžiu
Alternative Title:
Analysis of the knowledge formation of municipalities on the example of the wide use of renewable energy sources
In the Journal:
Taikomoji ekonomika: sisteminiai tyrimai [Applied economics: systematic research]. 2017, t. 11, Nr. 1, p. 107-125
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Atsinaujinantys energijos ištekliai; Atsinaujinantys energijos šaltiniai; Miestų energetikos raida; Organizacijos žinių koncepcija; Organizacinės žinios; Savivaldybė; Concept of organization knowledge; Energy development of municipalities; Municipality; Organizational knowledge; Renewable energy sources.

ENThe paper summarizes the research in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) and shows that a significant role of the implementation process will undoubtedly belong to municipalities. Therefore, there is a new type of scientific problem, the essence of which is to define different than usual knowledge type. The object is the non-profit organization which main goal is not increasing the competitiveness compared with others, but its efficiency and ability to organize and apply knowledge by enhancing the use of RES. Moreover, it is improvement of competitiveness compared to traditional energy sources, which burning is generally recognized as “producer” of greenhouse gas. RES technological breakthrough on the market is too narrowly perceived only as a massive use of biomass in the territory controlled by municipality. The paper demonstrates that the organization’s knowledge, their structure has a lot of advantages in comparison with the individual knowledge, which are often formed as an intensive advertising, as shows the case of the massive use of biomass. However, knowledge of organizations must include a longterm perspective and be properly structured and balanced as a whole. Sometimes hasty and not evaluated additional consequences of measures discredit one or another type of RES utilization. An example is too high purchase prices of electricity produced by solar cells, which were funded by the PSO (Public Service Obligations) fund. This caused a great stir and a massive use of solar photovoltaic technology, therefore the wave of criticism has forced politicians to change position and significantly reduce the purchase price. However, in the economy such kind of various changes is the biggest negative phenomenon, which can be eliminated only with the full concentration and the harmony of organizations’ knowledge.Lithuanian legal system of self-government has granted a fairly broad opportunity to participate in the energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy. Law of Self-Government in Lithuania distinguishes independent functions of municipalities, among them the preparation of the municipal strategic planning documents and the implementation of planning documents. Thus, municipalities are required to develop their own areas of strategic planning documents and their implementation, and has the ability to incorporate them into the plans of energy efficiency and renewable energy development. On the other hand, they have been delegated by Renewable Energy Law a function of developing municipal RES development plans. However, these documents may be only collection of not tied to each other obligations without unified basis. Only properly structured and organized as a whole organization’s knowledge allows to convert these documents into competent and motivated system which allows to achieve the objective of implementation of RES technologies on a large scale. The recommendations made by authors would help to merge the preparation of the various statutory documents concerning appropriate unified basis, which would allow not only reaching the specific scope of RES use but also a number of other environmental and social objectives. Consolidation of public funds and publicprivate partnership in order to implement the program objectives could resolve the biggest problem of financing RES projects. [From the publication]

1822-7996; 2335-8742
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2020-04-18 07:25:56
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