Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų lyderystės pradmenų raiška muzikinėje veikloj

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų lyderystės pradmenų raiška muzikinėje veikloj
Alternative Title:
Expression of leadership rudiments of preschool children in musical activities
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2017, 126, p. 143-154
Ikimokyklinis ugdymas / Pre-school education; Muzika / Music.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip pasireiškia vaikų lyderystės pradmenys muzikinėje veikloje, kokios vaiko lyderio asmeninės savybės ir kokie ypatumai daro įtaką lyderystės raiškai ikimokykliniame amžiuje. Pristatomi muzikos pedagogų ir vaikų tėvų vertinimo apie vaikų lyderystę tyrimo rezultatai naudojant specialiai sukurtą priemonę. Nustatyti kriterijai ir ypatumai, lemiantys vaikų lyderystės raišką muzikinėje veikloje bei aptariamos tobulinimo galimybės. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinis ugdymas; Lyderis; Lyderis, lyderystė; Lyderystė; Muzikinė veikla; Leader; Leader, leadership; Leadership; Musical activities; Preschool education.

ENAim of this work is to reveal expression of leadership rudiments of preschool children in musical activates. Used methods: Analysis of scientific literature and educational documents; quantitative questionnaire for parents and music educators; quantitative analysis of received documents. 43 music teachers and 66 parents of preschool children participated in this research. Analysis of scientific and methodical literature revealed that conception of leadership is ambiguous and it is a complex task to describe it. Any person, who has followers, can call himself a leader; therefore any person can become a leader or follower. One group can have more than one leader and they can engage in different activities and perform different functions. After performing analysis of research data, we can conclude, that musical activities influence development of children’s leaderships features. Child who is a leader always wants to sing solo in music hours, he wants to stand in first rows, other children like and respect the leader, ask him to give new ideas, ask his advice when making decisions. Analysis of research data also showed that teachers encounter certain problems while working with children who are leaders: exaggerated strive for attention, music teacher’s willingness to dedicate more time to child who is a leader. Teachers solve these problems by assigning objectives of music hour, solo and roles for shy children. Child, who is a leader, influences other children while thinking about the abilities of other children and assigning their role in group games, also he explains what is inappropriate in music activities and helps others improve. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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2018-12-17 14:15:50
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