Būsimųjų psichologijos mokytojų pedagoginės praktikos metu patiriamų sunkumų dinamika

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Būsimųjų psichologijos mokytojų pedagoginės praktikos metu patiriamų sunkumų dinamika
Alternative Title:
Dynamics of difficulties experienced by prospective teachers of psychology during teaching practice
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2017, 125, p. 122-131
Summary / Abstract:

LTPedagoginė praktika – esminis profesinės raidos etapas, o studentų pasitenkinimas per praktiką atliekama profesine veikla gali būti lemtingas po studijų renkantis mokytojo kelią. Šiame straipsnyje pristatomi tęstinio tyrimo, kuriuo siekiama analizuoti būsimųjų psichologijos mokytojų per pedagoginę praktiką patiriamus sunkumus, rezultatai. Analizuotos dviejų pedagoginės praktikos etapų studentų refleksijos. Atlikta kiekybinė ir kokybinė refleksijų analizė parodė, kad studentai praktikos metu dažniausiai abejoja savo žiniomis ir kompetencijomis bei patiria klasės valdymo problemų, o tų pačių studentų patiriamų sunkumų proporcijos laikui bėgant reikšmingai nesikeičia. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pedagoginė praktika; Psichologijos mokytojų ugdymas; Studentų patiriamų sunkumų dinamika; Studentų refleksijos; Dynamics of Difficulties Experienced by the Students; Psychology Teacher Training; Reflections of the Students; Teaching Practice.

ENIn the opinion of authors involved in studies on teacher education, teaching practice is an essential period of professional development (Hormenu et al., 2014; Hussain et al., 2013; Kirbulut & Bektas, 2011) and personality transformation (Schoeman & Mabunda, 2012) that enables student teachers to develop their professional and classroom identity as well as strengthening knowledge of theory and practice (Lakateb, 2016; Morales Cortés, 2016). Therefore, an analysis of the experience gained during each practice, as well as its dynamics, is undoubtedly useful in developing an active response to the difficulties faced by the student teachers and in adjusting the training process in a way that convinces them they are sufficiently prepared to overcome these difficulties. This study is an analysis of the difficulties faced by prospective teachers of psychology during their teaching practice and the dynamics of such difficulties. We have analysed the reflections of two teaching practices of the previous two years undergone by the same student teachers (n = 34). In the study, we applied qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods.The analysis of the results shows that during the practice students usually doubt their skills and competences in confronting difficulties in classroom management such as first contact with pupils, attention management, involvement in activities, response to misbehaviour, maintenance of discipline etcetera. The quantitative analysis of the confronted difficulties shows that the proportion of the experienced difficulties does not change from one practice to another (McNemar test χ2 <3.84). More than half (56 %) of students pointed out the same difficulties faced during the first and the second practice. Although some student teachers assess their pedagogical competence as improved, it remains unclear why a meaningful reduction of the difficulties reported after the first practice does not take place in the second practice. The results suggest more research is needed into the dynamics of difficulties experienced by student teachers and into planning new ways to develop professional competences. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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