Lietuvos architektai "Displaced Persons" stovyklose Vokietijoje 1944-1950 metais

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos architektai "Displaced Persons" stovyklose Vokietijoje 1944-1950 metais
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian architects in Germany "Displaced Persons" camps in 1944-1950
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: 1945- 1950 m. išeivijos palikimas; Architektas; Architektūra, DP stovyklų kultūra; Architektūros palikimas; Egzilis; Lietuvos inžinierių tremtinių draugija; Lietuvos inžinierių tremtinių draugija (LITD); Perkeltieji asmenys; Vokietija (Germany); 1945-1950 exodus legacy; Architectural tenders; Architecture; Architektas; DP camp culture; Displaced Persons; Exile; Germany; Lithuanian Engineer-Deportee Society; Lithuanian Engineer-Deportee Society (LEDS).

ENWith World War II coming to a close, a large number of the nations population moved out of Lithuania and migrated West. Along with them - a lot of architects and construction engineers. All of the refugees were sheltered in Displaced Persons Camps within the zones controlled by French, English, and American military authorities in Germany. Architects and engineers of various fields formed the Lithuanian Engineer-Deportee Society in 1946. The fellowship published a journal called Inžinieriaus kelias (Eng.The Engineers Way), which contained the works of the engineers. The Würzburg and Schweinfurt Branches have published two issues of Technikos pasaulis (Eng. the World of Technology). Moreover, the fellowship, who in 1948 renamed itself to the Lithuanian Engineer Union Abroad, also published five issues of Informacinis biuletenis (Eng. the Informational Bulletin). The primary aim of the fellowship was to prepare for the future reconstruction works in Lithuania, i.e. to prepare government bills for the construction of cities and villages, to research new construction materials, to plan the construction industry, to prepare typical projects and qualified workers necessary for the construction. The fellowship has achieved the most in the field of youth and adult education, i.e. organised higher level technological courses in Kempten and Ausburg, established several higher and lower level technological schools with construction, mechanics, electrical technology, radio technology, and other departments. Craftsmanship courses in various fields have prepared qualified workers for the construction industry.Another important facet of the fellowship’s operations was the preparation of typical residential building projects. Encouraged by the Homeland Reconstruction Commission, the fellowship organised two tenders. The first one was meant for the search for individual residential building ideas for cities and villages, focusing on brick structures (the tender was won by architects Jurgis Okunis, Vladas Švipas, Jonas Mulokas, and Karolis Reisonas). The second tender was meant for the preparation of sketch-projects for Lithuanian village and city flat interior layouts (bonuses awarded to architects Alfredas Kulpia-Kulpavičius, Vladas Vasgelevičius, and Karolis Reisonas). The field of research also received a fair share of input from the members of the fellowship. Articles on architecture (Kazys Krulikas, Vladas Švipas), the implementation of wood substitutes in construction (Vytautas Sčesnulevičius), and urbanisation (Jonas Mulokas, Kazys Kriščiukaitis) were published. The issue of architectural nationality was a frequent occurrence among the exiled, which received a lot of attention from doctor in engineering Jurgis Gimbutas, architects Jonas Kovalskis, Vytautas Landsbergis-Žemkalnis, Karolis Reisonas, Vladas Švipas, engineer Kazys Krulikas and other. The architects have published several other publications in Germany, which included the works of Jurgis Gimbutas, Alfredas Kulpia-Kulpavičius, Jurgis Okunis, and Vytautas Peldavičius. Furthermore, architects and various engineers have contributed greatly to the improvement of the living conditions in the camps. [From the publication]

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2020-08-29 13:58:53
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