Agnės Matulaitės daktaro disertacijos "Kai "tavo kūnas tiesiog išprotėja": įkūnytas nėštumo patyrimas" (socialiniai mokslai, psichologija 06s) recenzija

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Recenzija / Book review
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Agnės Matulaitės daktaro disertacijos "Kai "tavo kūnas tiesiog išprotėja": įkūnytas nėštumo patyrimas" (socialiniai mokslai, psichologija 06s) recenzija
Alternative Title:
Review of Agne Matulaite‘s doctoral dissertation "Your body just goes bananas": embodied experience of pregnancy" (social sciences, psychology 06s)
In the Journal:
International journal of psychology: a biopsychosocial approach [Tarptautinis psichologijos žurnalas: biopsichosocialinis požiūris]. 2014, Nr. 14, p. 151-155
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Daktaro disertacija; Kūnas; Kūniškasis patyrimas; Nėštumo patyrimas; Recenzija; Įkūnytas nėštumo patyrimas; Bodily experience; Body; Doctoral dissertation; Embodied experience of pregnancy; Experience of pregnancy; Review.

ENThe author of the review appreciates much the courage and innovativeness to use the qualitative methodology in the study of embodied experience in women during pregnancy and the postpartum year. The biopsychosocial approach here is enriched with the cultural aspects which could be more elaborated, however. The detailed description of 6 women’s experience has been achieved by skillful application of the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The bodily experience in pregnancy occurred to be dynamic, complex and firmly embedded in women’s life-world. Although the structure of the dissertation is not very traditional, it looks reasonable and matches the requirements of the method applied. The results of the research are valuable and promising. The study provides insights into the lived experience that may be useful in psychological theory and in practice when working with women at this important transitional life stage. [From the publication]

2020-04-18 07:25:54
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