Ko reikia reformai? Mokslo ir studijų pertvarkos Lietuvoje atvejis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ko reikia reformai? Mokslo ir studijų pertvarkos Lietuvoje atvejis
Alternative Title:
What does reform need? A case of higher education and research reform in Lithuania
In the Book:
Reforma Lietuvoje : įžvalgos apie mokslo ir studijų pertvarką. Vilnius: Alma littera, 2014. P. 13-105, 275-276
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Aukštasis mokslas; Desovietizacija; Kompetencija; Mokslas; Racionalus pasirinkimas; Reforma; Studijų kokybė; Studijų krepšelis; Universitetai; Valdymas; Desovietization; Excellence; Governance; Higher education; Quality of studies; Rational choice; Reform; Science; Study fees; Universities.

ENThe article analyses the Lithuanian reforms of higher education and research from the theoretical approach of rational choice. The reform is presented as an attempted systematic transformation on state as well as on institutional levels. The article concentrates on investigation of conditions that made the transformative decisions and actions of the actors (interest groups, politicians, academicians) possible. There were three different phases of the reform: preparation, event (accepting of the law 2009) and implementation. The reparation phase started in 2005 and ended in 2008. It is characterized by active participation of interest groups and politicians in the discussion about reform that helped to identify the direction and contradiction points. The discussion phase helped to accumulate competence on higher education politics, compare practices, models and experiences from different countries, and understand possibilities of implementing of the best world practices into the Lithuanian environment. Foreign expertise on higher education and the research situation was an authority that helped to identify systematic problems and to accept necessary decision perspectives.Event and implementation of the reform is characterized by specific situations conditioned by the results of the election in 2008, world economic crisis, and EU Structural Fund possibilities; other conditions and is explained by characteristic strategies used by politicians. The article argues that there are two necessary conditions for implementation of a systematic reform. The first condition is accumulation and spread of the competence in matters of higher education and research policy over broad circles of the society, interest groups and higher education system actors. The second condition is prevailing or emerging of the social and political actors who would be ready to take responsibility for the on going of the discussion of the reform or for its implementation. [From the publication]

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