Ar galima pradėti apkaltą Seimo nariui už nusikaltimą, padarytą iki tampant Seimo nariu

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ar galima pradėti apkaltą Seimo nariui už nusikaltimą, padarytą iki tampant Seimo nariu
Alternative Title:
Is it possible to institute impeachment against a member of the Seimas for a crime committed before becoming a member of the Seimas
In the Journal:
Parlamento studijos [Parliamentary Studies]. 2016, Nr. 20, p. 21-40
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama apkaltos samprata, atskleidžiamas apkaltos pagrindų turinys, tyrinėjama, kokie asmenys apkaltos proceso tvarka gali būti pašalinti iš pareigų. Nagrinėjama, ar pagal Lietuvos Respublikos Konstituciją apkalta galima tik už veiksmus, kuriuos Konstitucijos 74 straipsnyje nurodyti asmenys padarė eidami šiame straipsnyje įvardytas pareigas, ar apkalta galima ir už veiksmus, padarytus iki užimant nurodytas pareigas. Teigiama, kad apkaltos proceso tvarka Seimo nario mandatą galima panaikinti už nusikaltimą, kurį asmuo padarė iki tapdamas Seimo nariu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Apkaltos pagrindai; Apkaltos samprata; Apkaltos teisinės pasekmės; Concept of impeachment; Grounds for impeachment; Legal effects of impeachment.

ENThe institute of impeachment is a method of public democratic control over the activity of the state officials listed in Article 74 of the Constitution and a method of holding such officials liable when their powers are terminated by means of a resolution of the Seimas due to the fact that such officials have grossly violated the Constitution, breached the oath, or committed a crime. Article 74 of the Constitution does not directly indicate when the actions serving as grounds for impeaching the persons specified in this article are performed: whether impeachment is possible only for actions performed at the time when they were holding the positions specified in Article 74 of the Constitution, or whether also for actions performed by them before obtaining the positions pointed out in the same article. The Constitutional Court has not yet provided its interpretation whether impeachment is also possible for actions performed by the respective persons before they obtained the positions specified in in Article 74 of the Constitution. A systemic interpretation of the Constitution allows asserting that, according to Article 74 of the Constitution, impeachment must be instituted against the President and justices of the Constitutional Court, the President and justices of the Supreme Court, the President and judges of the Court of Appeal, as well as any members of the Seimas, not only for a crime committed by them at the time when they were holding the positions provided for in Article 74 of the Constitution, but also for a crime committed by them before obtaining the positions specified in the same article where a convicting court judgment in respect of them comes into force at the time when they are holding the positions specified in Article 74 of the Constitution. [From the publication]

1648-9896; 1822-749X
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