Lietuviška garbės samprata

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuviška garbės samprata
Alternative Title:
Conception of honour in Lithuanian
In the Journal:
Parlamento studijos [Parliamentary Studies]. 2015, Nr. 18, p. 63-83
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje kognityvinės definicijos metodu atliekama žodžio garbė koncepto analizė. Iš jos išryškėja, kas lietuviams yra garbė, kokios yra svarbiausios šio žodžio semos, kokia galima žodžio garbė kognityvinė definicija. Tiek atskirų diskursų analizė, tiek jaunimo apklausos rezultatai rodo, kaip per šimtmetį pakito garbės samprata, koks yra studentų požiūris ne tik į garbę, bet ir apskritai į moralines vertybes, kas jaunimui daro didžiausią įtaką formuojantis jų vertybių sistemai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Diskursas; Garbė; Kognityvinė definicija; Konceptas; Cognitive definition; Concept; Discourse; Honour.

ENThe article analyses the concept of ‘honour’ by applying the cognitive definition method. The investigation provides insights into such questions as what honour is to Lithuanians, what the most important ‘honour’ semes are and what a potential cognitive definition of the word ‘honour’ is. The results of both discourse analysis and youth polls reveal the change in the conception of ‘honour’ over the last hundred years. In addition, they reveal students’ views not only towards honour but also to moral values in general as well as the key factors that come into play in the development of young people’s system of values. The analysis of the concept of honour allows to reveal Lithuanians’ worldview which determines the language users’ cultural and social identity and to look at the conception of honour as an element of their system of values. Summarising the results of both parts of the investigation, it is possible to state that in different discourses as well as in youth surveys there are some common semes which, in the methodological framework of Lublin ethnolinguists, allows formulating a cognitive definition of honour. As a result, for Lithuanians honour is a sense of self-esteem and responsibility, when one feels valued for their life, accomplishments as well as a good reputation that one has gained in the society for good deeds, virtuous behaviour and life, high morals, honesty, fairness, keeping one’s faith, respect and care of others, self-sacrifice for one’s homeland, sacrifice for the sake of an idea, for other people’s welfare, patriotism and heroism.The article analyses the concept of ‘honour’ by applying the cognitive definition method. The investigation provides insights into such questions as what honour is to Lithuanians, what the most important ‘honour’ semes are and what a potential cognitive definition of the word ‘honour’ is. The results of both discourse analysis and youth polls reveal the change in the conception of ‘honour’ over the last hundred years. In addition, they reveal students’ views not only towards honour but also to moral values in general as well as the key factors that come into play in the development of young people’s system of values. The analysis of the concept of honour allows to reveal Lithuanians’ worldview which determines the language users’ cultural and social identity and to look at the conception of honour as an element of their system of values. Summarising the results of both parts of the investigation, it is possible to state that in different discourses as well as in youth surveys there are some common semes which, in the methodological framework of Lublin ethnolinguists, allows formulating a cognitive definition of honour. As a result, for Lithuanians honour is a sense of self-esteem and responsibility, when one feels valued for their life, accomplishments as well as a good reputation that one has gained in the society for good deeds, virtuous behaviour and life, high morals, honesty, fairness, keeping one’s faith, respect and care of others, self-sacrifice for one’s homeland, sacrifice for the sake of an idea, for other people’s welfare, patriotism and heroism. [From the publication]

1648-9896; 1822-749X
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