LTReikšminiai žodžiai: JAV; Leidyba; Lietuvių išeivija; PLB; Pasaulio lietuvis; Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė; Žurnalas; „Pasaulio lietuvis“; Journal; Lithuanian diaspora; Pasaulio lietuvis; Publishing activities; The Lithuanian World Community; USA; „Pasaulio lietuvis“.
ENAfter some time had passed since the creation of the Lithuanian World Community (PLB), there arose the idea, first suggested by its then Chairman Juozas Bachunas- Bačiūnas, of publishing a journal to reflect not only the endeavors and activities of local Lithuanian Communities in each country having one but also the general concerns of the World Community as a whole. Publication began in the United States of America in 1963. The journal’s name, Pasaulio lietuvis (World Litthuanian), was that of a newspaper published from 1937 to 1940 in prewar independent Lithuania by the Society for the Support of Lithuanian Living Abroad. The new journal not only took over the latter’s name but in its first issue also set itself the same tasks: to join together Lithuanians throughout the world and to report on the activities, concerns, objectives, goals, and achievements of various Lithuanian communities across the globe. The initial editorial board consisted of Stasys Barzdukas, Vytautas Kamantas, and the administrator Edvardas Karnėnas. Funding was provided by Juozas Bačiūnas. After consenting to become editor-in-chief Stasys Barzdukas took on the tasks of commissioning and editing all the material to be published and himself wrting most of the articles and reviews describing the most important PLB meetings, conferences, and events. There were pages devoted to Lithuanian Community activities in the various contries; youth affairs; and relections and commentaries. From 1969 onwards there was a column on matters of language use and rules.In 1973 Barzdukas expressed a wish to resign from the Pasaulio lietuvis editorship because of declining health but consented to stay on for just as long as a replacement could be found. In 1973 the PLB Council decided to make Pasaulio lietuvis a monthly, publishing 12 issues per year instead of just 10. A year later it decided to turn the newsletter into a journal (magazine). On these matters Barzdukas had a somewhat different opinion. At the beginning of 1976 the editorship of Pasaulio lietuvis was assumed by Bronius Nainys, who had assisted Barzdukas earlier in gathering material and writing articles. Throughout his 13 years at the helm of Pasaulio lietuvis, Barzdukas made the periodical into an important and growing medium reflecting the Lithuanian World Community’s life and works. [From the publication]