Individas Jono Meko publicistikoje, literatūrinėse pasakose ir kine

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Individas Jono Meko publicistikoje, literatūrinėse pasakose ir kine
Alternative Title:
Individual in Jonas Mekas' essays, tales and films
In the Journal:
Oikos: lietuvių migracijos ir diasporos studijos [Oikos: Lithuanian migration and diaspora studies]. 2013, 16, p. 103-113
Jonas Mekas; Kinas / Cinema; Lietuvių literatūra / Lithuanian literature.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Asmeninė laisvė; Filmai; Filotopija; Istorija; Jonas Mekas; Kitas; Literatūra; Films; History; Individual freedom; Jonas Mekas; Lithuanian literature; Other; Philotopy.

ENThis article discusses the being of individual in Mekas’ articles, tales and some films. The being of individual is analyzed from the psychoanalitical, media philosophy and philotopy point of view. The main theoretical authors are Šliogeris (philotopy theory), Manowich (media theory) and Jung (psychoanalysis). The main attention is paid to understand and explain the relations between phenomenology and philotopy, history and tradition. The article also gives some data about definition of archetype, media as means. The most important and significant problem of the article is the relation between the individual and the Other: the individual avoids cognitive or sensual relation and lets the Other to be as it is. This tendention makes an influence to Mekas’ articles, tales and films – the individual who writes and films is very tolerant to Other. The article concludes that Mekas, who in his articles, tales and films lets the Other to be as it is, reaches the individual freedom, which is opposite to the symbolic world of phenomenology. [From the publication]

1822-5152; 2351-6461
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2018-12-17 13:47:26
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