Tylieji priesaikos riteriai : (kelios pastabos apie Lietuvos pasiuntinybę Vašingtone šaltojo karo metais)

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tylieji priesaikos riteriai: (kelios pastabos apie Lietuvos pasiuntinybę Vašingtone šaltojo karo metais)
Alternative Title:
Silent knights of their pledge: some remarks about the Lithuanian legation in Washington
In the Journal:
Oikos: lietuvių migracijos ir diasporos studijos [Oikos: Lithuanian migration and diaspora studies]. 2013, 16, p. 45-58
20 amžius.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Diplomatija; Diplomatinė pasiuntinybė; Diplomatinė tarnyba; Lietuvių diplomatija; Tarptautiniai santykiai; Vašingtonas; Šaltasis karas; Cold war; Diplomacy; Diplomatic post; Diplomatic service; International relationship; Lithuanian diplomacy; Washington.

ENIn the history of Lithuanian diplomacy, the Lithuanian diplomatic post in Washington, D.C. is quite special. As a mission, later a legation and an embassy, it began existence in 1922. During the years of Lithuania’s foreign occupation it was unconditionally recognized by the United States of America as a consequence of the fact that the latter steadfastly refused to recognize the occupation (annexation) of Lithuania by the Soviet Union. Faithfully keeping their pledge Povilas Žadeikis and Juozas Kajeckas did not leave their posts and continued to work in the legation until their death. Later Washington saw the arrival of Dr. Stasys Antanas Bačkis from France and of Stasys Lozoraitis, Jr., from Italy. The latter was the last chief of the Lithuanian Legation in Washington and the first ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania in Washington. From late 1983 onwards the Lithuanian mission in Washington functioned as the center of the Lithuanian Diplomatic Service, since after the death of Stasys Lozoraitis, Sr., the duties of chief were assumed by Dr. S. A. Bačkis.Throughout its existence the Lithuanian Diplomatic Service wrestled with two major internal problems: personnel and finances; these became especially acute starting with the early 1980s. Keys to solving both problems lay with the U. S. State Department. Its consent and agreed-upon assistance allowed the Service to contract new members and to secure needed financial resources. To this end the State Department was often visited by officials of the Lithuanian Mission and leaders of U. S. Lithuanian Community organizations. Seeking to make use of an active diaspora Lithuanian community, Lithuanian diplomats thought about creating a new social entity that would help them in receiving and spreading information about Lithuania for the purpose of advancing the cause of Lithuanian freedom. The diplomats’ public speeches; giving interviews to the press; and, in general, gathering and transmitting information constituted the main activities of the Lithuanian mission in Washington. [From the publication]

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2020-04-24 06:41:47
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