Strategical perspective of corporate environmental policy

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Strategical perspective of corporate environmental policy
In the Journal:
Organizacija. 2011, vol. 44, no. 6, p. 179-184
Aplinkos apsauga / Environmental protection; Konkurencija / Competition.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Aplinkos apsauga; Konkurencinis pranašumas; Korporatyvinė aplinkosaugos politika; Strategija; Įmonių aplinkos politika; Įmonių aplinkosauginė veikla Lietuvoje; Įmonių aplinkosaugos politika; Įmonių aplinkosaugos veikla Lietuvoje; Competitive advantage; Corporate environmental activity in Lithuania; Corporate environmental policy; Environmental protection; Strategy.

ENThe authors of the article analyze the benefits of corporate environmental policy in pursuance of a competitive advantage in the global market. Corporate environmental policy described as a strategic business investment opens new possibilities for their relationships with stakeholders and contributes to the promotion of social activity and to the attainment of the competitive advantage. By emphasizing the positive environmental policy's impact on competitive advantage of corporation in the global market the article treats of corporate environmental performance benefits, which are defined as improvement of relations with all stakeholders, intensification of corporation image, reputation development, business growth and customer loyalty. The paper deals with the development of Lithuanian corporate environmental policy in recent years and investigates the relationship between corporation activities and the improvement of relations with the stakeholders, which influences intensification of corporation's image and thereby increases competitive advantage of corporation. Researching the impact of corporate environmental policy on increasing competitive advantage, the authors found that active environmental performance positively influences business relationships with stakeholder groups and increases their competitive advantage in the global market. [From the publication]

1581-1832; 1318-5454
2021-03-24 18:08:40
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