Vitebsko vietos valdžios pareigybių skyrimo tvarka XV a. aštuntame - XVI a. septintame dešimtmetyje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vitebsko vietos valdžios pareigybių skyrimo tvarka XV a. aštuntame - XVI a. septintame dešimtmetyje
Alternative Title:
Nomination procedure of Vitebsk officials in the 1470s-1560s
In the Journal:
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis [Yearbook of Lithuanian History]. 2017, 2016/2, p. 51-96
13 amžius - 1569. Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė. LDK; Baltarusija (Belarus); Lietuva (Lithuania).
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip XV a. aštuntame - XVI a. septintame dešimtmetyje būdavo skiriami Vitebsko pareigūnai. Išskiriame du šio reiškinio lygmenis: formalųjį, paremtą teisinių dokumentų taikymu, ir neformalųjį, grįstą pareigūnų giminystės saitais, taip pat ryšiais su Lietuvos didžiojo kunigaikščio dvaru, Vitebsko vietininkais bei vaivadomis. Straipsnio pabaigoje pateikta susisteminta šaltinių (publikuotų ir nepublikuotų) bei literatūros medžiaga, naudota sudarant Vitebsko pareigūnų sąrašus. [Iš leidinio]

ENThis article is aimed at establishing how the officials of Vitebsk were appointed during the period in question. The research revealed that the nomination procedure of Vitebsk leading officials (vicegerents and palatines) was set forth in the privileges granted by the Grand Duke of Lithuania to the land of Vitebsk. Speaking of the city’s lower officials, however, judgments of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund the Old were the only documents stipulating for their nomination procedure. The first half of the 16th century saw the attempts of Vitebsk palatines to expand their jurisdiction and assume the procedure of lower official appointment. This, however, caused dissatisfaction among the citizens. Therefore, Sigismund the Old passed a few judgments to ensure that palatines had no say in the nomination of Vitebsk officials. This right was reserved exceptionally for the sovereign of Lithuania. Sigismund Augustus, who succeeded Sigismund the Old as the Grand Duke of Lithuania, allowed the palatines of Vitebsk to select lower officials under the condition that the nominees were approved by the sovereign of Lithuania.Meanwhile the local nobility and citizens retained the right to elect and offer their nominees. Grand Dukes of Lithuania and palatines of Vitebsk were usually apt to take into account the opinion of local citizens. The research also revealed that in the period in question most of Vitebsk’s lower officials were local inhabitants. The key qualifications required for the appointment to local official positions included influential relatives (especially parents), connections with the court of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and patronage of vicegerents and palatines of Vitebsk. During the reign of Sigismund the Old, there were several local officials appointed by the palatines of Vitebsk without the approval of the Grand Duke of Lithuania. Starting with the 1550s, people of various backgrounds were granted the right to occupy official positions in Vitebsk, provided that they acquired estates in Vitebsk powiat (district). [From the publication]

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