Клавирные концерты Иоганна Себастиана Баха в творческой биографии Саулюса Сондецкиса

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Rusų kalba / Russian
Клавирные концерты Иоганна Себастиана Баха в творческой биографии Саулюса Сондецкиса
Alternative Title:
Keyboard concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach in the artistic biography of Saulius Sondeckis
Balys Dvarionas; Balys Dvarions; Saulius Sondeckis; Tatjana Nikolajeva.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Balys Dvarionas; Balys Dvarions; J. S. Bacho Koncertai klavyrui; Johanas Sebastianas Bachas; Johannas Sebastianas Bachas; Klavyriniai koncertai; Koncertai klavyrui; Saulius Sondeckis; Tatjana Nikolajeva; Balys Dvarionas; Johann Sebastian Bach; Keyboard Concertos; Keyboard Concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach; Saulius Sondeckis; Tatiana Nikolayeva; Tatiana Nikolayeva, Balys Dvarionas.

ENThe musical traditions of the Baroque era had always held a special place in the work of Saulius Sondeckis. For this, there are many explanations. First of all, the prototype of the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra created by him was undoubtedly the Collegium Musicum - the type of creative cooperation that became widespread during the Baroque era and the work of which was infused with the joy of ëliveí contact with music. Sondeckis' first experiences in the creation of his orchestra reflected his goal of finding an alternative to the stultifying canons of prevailing practices of orchestra play. Chamber music-making, where the voice of every instrument was heard and every one could feel his or her contribution to the collective artistic result, was a seductive idea which inspired the beginner conductor. It is obvious that the relationship between the artistic model of the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra and the traditions of the Collegium Musicum furthered a heightened interest in the legacy of the Baroque era, the chamber-instrumental work of which was often created specifically for this form of ensemble musicmaking. It is not an accident that Baroque music became the foundation of the conception of repertoire built by Sondeckis.Finally, Sondeckis' repertoire preferences throughout his artistic career reflect his special feeling of awe of the music by Bach. Again and again, he returned to the interpretation of the masterpieces by the great creator of the Baroque era. Sondeckis' concert repertoire has accumulated a great quantity of Bachís works - not only his monumental orchestra and choir opuses, but also many cantatas and instrumental works. Keyboard concertos have an important place in Sondeckis' repertoire of Bachís compositions - he performed them with many prominent pianists and they became important highlights in his artistic biography. They represent a cross-section of his artistic evolution, showing characteristic aspects of the conductorís artistic individuality. [From the publication]

2019-11-12 14:50:42
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