Vilniaus dailės akademijos molbertinės tapybos restauravimo specialybės studentų baigiamieji darbai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilniaus dailės akademijos molbertinės tapybos restauravimo specialybės studentų baigiamieji darbai
Alternative Title:
Final works of the easel painting restoration students at Vilnius Art Academy
In the Journal:
Lietuvos dailės muziejaus metraštis [LDM metraštis]. 2008, t. 11, p. 315-313
Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Molėtai; Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Apsauga ir restauravimas / Preservation and restoration; Kultūros paveldas / Cultural heritage; Muziejai / Museums; Studentai / Students; Tapyba / Painting.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos dailės muziejus; Molbertinės tapybos restauravimas; Paveikslai; Prano Gudyno restauravimo centras; Restauracija; Studentai; Tapyba; Vilniaus dailės akademija; Centre; Images; Lithuanian Art Museum; Painting; Pranas Gudynas Restoration; Restoration; Students; The Easel Painting Restoration; Vilnius Art Academy.

ENUntil 1997 the qualification of easel painting and monumental art (wall-painting) restoration at the Vilnius Art Academy could only be acquired during MA studies. However, since 1997 Vilnius Art Academy began to qualify restorers of easel painting and monumental art in the third year of BA studies. Then on September 15,1999 a Monument Department was established. Due to the fact that Vilnius Art Academy does not have all the necessary basis for the research of cultural heritage objects, the Monument Department is supported by Pranas Gudynas Restoration Centre (branch of the Lithuanian Art Museum). This Restoration Centre provides forthcoming restorers and restoration technologists with all the necessary facilities for practice classes and research activities. The collaboration of the Art Academy and the Restoration Centre in qualifying painting restorers is extremely important for young specialists. Theoretical knowledge, acquired through studies, is supplemented by practical skills, which students acquire by observing the work of expert restorers during workshops and while restoring paintings for their final exams. This article presents some of the most interesting works that have been restored by Vilnius Art Academy graduates at the Pranas Gudynas Restoration Centre.The author of the article analyses all the restoration techniques that were used to restore each painting. In 2007 the BA graduate Karolina Aleškevičiūtė (under the guidance of Balys Pakštas and Linas Lukoševičius) restored the painting “St. Stanislaw Bishop”, which belonged to Balninkai Church of St. Stanislaw the Bishop (Molėtų r.) and which was received from the Museum of Kaunas Archdiocese. During the same year the BA graduate S. Poderis (under the guidance of Balys Pakštas and Linas Lukoševičius) restored the painting “Madonna of the Gates of Dawn”, which arrived from the Samogitian Alka Museum; the M A graduate Birutė Urbelytė (under the guidance of Balys Pakštas and Linas Lukoševičius) restored the painting “St. Antonio Padovani with the Child” from the collections of the Lithuanian Art Museum. All the above-mentioned graduates were assessed brilliantly for their final works. A lot of scientific material was gathered about the restored works and the comparative analysis was made. [From the publication]

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