XX a. pr. fotografo, Lietuvos kultūros puoselėtojo Aleksandro Jurašaičio palikimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
XX a. pr. fotografo, Lietuvos kultūros puoselėtojo Aleksandro Jurašaičio palikimas
Alternative Title:
  • 20 a. pr. fotografo, Lietuvos kultūros puoselėtojo Aleksandro Jurašaičio palikimas
  • Heritage of Aleksandras Jurašaitis, a 20th-century photographer and fosterer of Lithuanian culture
In the Journal:
Lietuvos dailės muziejaus metraštis [LDM metraštis]. 2007, t. 9, p. 55-85
Aleksandras Jurašaitis; Jurašaitis Aleksandras; Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Draugijos. Organizacijos / Societies. Organisations; Fotografija / Photography; Kultūros paveldas / Cultural heritage.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Aleksandras Jurašaitis; Fotografija; Fotografijos istorija; Jurašaitis Aleksandras; Lietuvių mokslo draugija; Lietuvos fotografija; Parodų fotografija; Portetinė fotografija; Vilniaus fotografija; Vilnius; Aleksandras Jurašaitis; History of photography; Jurašaitis Aleksandras; Lithuanian photography; Lithuanian society of science; Photo-portraits; Photography; Photography of expositions; Vilnius; Vilnius photography.

ENAleksandras Jurašaitis (1859-1915) is one of the most prominent 20th-century photographers. In 1894-1902 he had a photo studio in Bielsk (present Poland), photographed the Belovezh forest, the Palace of the Tsar Nicholas II, etc. A. Jurašaitis’ album Pamiątka z Bialowieżi was compiled of those photographs. In 1902-1915 he had a photo studio, and in 1906-1915 of cincography cliches in Vilnius. A. Jurašaitis was a fosterer and documenter of the Lithuanian cultural life. He participated in the activities of the Lithuanian science, Rūta and art societies. In 1910 he wrote an article on photography which was published in Švyturys in 1911. In 1912 A. Jurašaitis was to teach photography at the courses, but they were unfortunately not organized. In 1903, 1913-1914 he exhibited his photographs from the Belovezh forest series at exhibitions. A. Jurašaitis’ heritage consists of the portraits of famous public and cultural figures of the period, the examples of anthropological studies (Lithuanian types), the photographs of plays, exhibitions and exhibits (ethnographic objects, works of painters and sculptors) and a few of cityscapes.His photographs were used for postcards and were published in the press of the period. The surviving photographs, the album and negatives (glass plates) are kept in the museums, libraries and archives of Vilnius, Kaunas and Šiauliai. A. Jurašaitis made cliches for periodical publications (newspapers, calendars) and books as well as for the published (1912) album Lithuanian Crosses, the first more valuable artistic publication of these days. The surviving cliches are kept in the Lithuanian Art Museum. After his death, his wife Marija and daughter Aleksandra worked in the photo studio (1915-1922). [From the publication]

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