Ontologiniai laisvės pagrindai brandžiojoje Antano Maceinos religijos filosofijoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ontologiniai laisvės pagrindai brandžiojoje Antano Maceinos religijos filosofijoje
Alternative Title:
Ontological foundation of freedom in the middle-late period of the philosophy of religion of Antanas Maceina
In the Journal:
Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos metraštis [LKMA metraštis]. 2014, t. 38, p. 149-164
Filosofija / Philosophy.
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe paper considers the ontological presuppositions of freedom in the late philosophy of Antanas Maceina. In that period he moved from being dependent on the achievements and investigations of other thinkers, such as Karl Jaspers, and became an independent philosopher in his own right. In his late philosophy of religion Maceina raises the question of the possibility of freedom in the presence of God. Yet, he refuses to pursue this statement by means of theology or classical metaphysics, but rather begins with a Heideggerian ontological analysis of human existence. It must be stressed that even though Maceina rejects metaphysical speculation, he does not all together deny the legitimacy of metaphysical questions. In his analysis he finds God as the ontological source of being for human existence and freedom as well as the essential quality of the human personality. By doing so Maceina avoids the two great dangers facing the philosophy of religion: on the one hand, the drifting away into abstract metaphysical speculation, which has little to do with concrete existence or religious experience and, on the other hand, venturing too deep into the periphery of the religious phenomenon (for example, the sociology or psychology of religion). [From the publication]

2018-12-17 13:57:07
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