Vilniaus verbų rišimo tradicijos 2014-2015 m. Lietuvoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilniaus verbų rišimo tradicijos 2014-2015 m. Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Traditions of binding verbos in Lithuania in 2014-2015
In the Journal:
Liaudies kultūra. 2016, Nr. 2, p. 84-88
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Augalai; Regioniniai tradicijų ypatumai; Reikšmės; Technika; Tradicijų tąsa; Tradiciniai amatai; Verbos; Vilniaus kraštas; Continuation of traditions; Meanings; Plants; Regional traditions; Technics; Traditional crafts; Verbos; Vilnius region.

ENIn 2014–2015 the author of the article surveyed 160 women who bind the decorative Vilnius verbos, common particularly in the Vilnius region and made from dried plants. It was found that 50 different kinds of wild and cultivated plants and quite a few medicinal herbs are used for binding the verbos. Plants are collected and prepared beforehand; often they are painted as well. On Palm Sunday, experienced verbos binders would make several hundred verbos - they would be gifted away, sold by the churches. These verbos would often be blessed in church together with the juniper and budding willow, sallow twigs, which were more popular in Lithuania. It is believed that the blessed Vilnius verbos, as do other sacramentals, protect the home from lightning and fires. On the other hand, the verbos of Vilnius are seen as a piece of folk art, a Lithuanian souvenir, a home interior decoration. [From the publication]

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