Rimutė Rimantienė - Lietuvos ir Rytų Baltijos regiono akmens amžiaus tyrinėjimų mokyklos kūrėja

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Rimutė Rimantienė - Lietuvos ir Rytų Baltijos regiono akmens amžiaus tyrinėjimų mokyklos kūrėja
Alternative Title:
Rimutė Rimantienė - creator of the research school for the Stone Age in Lithuania and the eastern Baltic region
In the Journal:
Liaudies kultūra. 2015, Nr. 5, p. 1-14
11 tūkst. m. pr. Kr. - 12 amžius. Lietuvos priešistorė; Archeologija / Archaeology; Archeologiniai tyrinėjimai / Archaeological investigations; Gyvenvietės (archeologija) / Settlements (Archaeology); Mokslo istorija / History of science; Rimutė Rimantienė; Lietuva (Lithuania); Nida.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Akmens amžius; Archeologija; Lietuvos priešistorė, akmens amžius, archeologiniai tyrimai, Rimutė Rimantienė; Nemuno kultūra; Rimutė Rimantienė; Tyrimai; Šventosios gyvenvietė; Archeology; Lithuania; Lithuanian prehistory, Stone Age, archaeological survey, Rimutė Rimantienė; Nemunas culture; Research; Rimutė Rimantienė; Stone Age; Šventoji complex.

ENThe article presents famous Lithuanian archaeologist Rimutė Rimantienė and the results of her scientific and educational activities: her most important monographs and scientific publications published over the last sixty years, the results of her research and most important ideas, insights, scientific hypotheses, which stimulated not only research on the Stone Age in Lithuania, but also of the whole Baltic Region. Her activities as a dissertation adviser, chair of the Doctor’s degree committees, member of habilitation committees, as a theses opponent, are also discussed. R. Rimantienė began her fruitful career as an archaeologist from research of the most ancient period in history – the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic (11300–9000 BCE), when the last glacier withdrew in Central Europe and the Baltic region. Issues of the beginning of the settlement of these territories, periodisation and cultural attribution, are all important for understanding ancient history. Later she was the first to differentiate the Mesolithic Nemunas culture, widespread in Southern Lithuania, Belarus and Northern Poland, with its characteristic encampment and flint artefacts complex. This definition soon spread in archaeological literature, as with the Narva culture, which had thrived in Western and North-Eastern Lithuania during the same period. In monuments of the Nemunas culture, cultural layers are still most often encountered in sand, with monuments of the Narva culture – in peat lagoons and lake shores. On the basis of the monuments she herself studied in the Šventoji complex, Nida, Southern Lithuania, and including some of the material studied by her students in Kretuona and Biržuliai lake areas, R. Rimantienė discusses the main Lithuanian Neolothic cultures – Nemunas, Narva, Corded Ware (Pamariai or Žucev) – and their chronological interaction, the fate of the ancient indigenous cultures, formation of ethno-cultural communities. [From the publication]

2018-12-17 14:05:34
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