Būtinybė žiūrėti į IDKM žodyno mokymą kompleksiškai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Būtinybė žiūrėti į IDKM žodyno mokymą kompleksiškai
Alternative Title:
Acknowledging the manifold nature of CLIL vocabulary
In the Journal:
Verbum. 2014, t. 5, p. 279-292
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Kalbos (gimtosios) mokymas / Language (mother) teaching; Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvoje ir kitose šalyse, kur visų lygių švietimo institucijose požiūris į kalbos ir dalyko integruotą mokymą(si) vis dar atsargus ir nenuolatinis, mokymas šiuo metodu edukologams dar kelia daug klausimų. Dalyko mokytojų mokymas dirbti pagal IDKM (integruoto dalyko ir kalbos mokymo) metodiką apima ištisą kalbos aspektų spektrą, kuriame žodynui pagrįstai tenka vienas svarbiausių vaidmenų. Šio straipsnio tikslas – apžvelgti pagrindines IDKM žodyno sudedamąsias dalis, t. y. dalyko terminų žodyną, dažnai vartojamų akademinių terminų žodyną ir metakognityviems įgūdžiams ugdyti reikalingą kalbą, bei įvertinti, kaip šias sudedamąsias dalis naudojo dalyko mokytojai per dvejus IDKM metodikos mokymo programos Vilniaus universitete metus. Straipsnyje išryškinamos svarbiausios IDKM žodyno ypatybės, siūloma mokant mokytojus IDKM metodikos daugiau dėmesio skirti tekstinės medžiagos rengimui. Tai aiškinama tuo, kad dalyko mokytojai jau pripažįsta dominuojantį tam tikro dalyko žodyno vaidmenį, tačiau jiems sunkiau yra suvokti, kad dažnai vartojamų akademinių terminų žodynų ir metakognityvių įgūdžių kalba taip pat yra tos pačios visumos dalis, o todėl ir neatsiejama jų darbo dalis. Kartu su nevisiškai susiformavusia gimtosios kalbos kompetencija, IDKM dalyko mokytojai jaučiasi metodiškai nevisaverčiais, o tai tik patvirtina ilgalaikio profesinio tobulinimosi poreikį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Akademinis žodynas; Akademinės kalbos gebėjimai (CALP); Bendradarbiavimas; IDKM; IDKM, mokomoji parama (angl. scaffolding); Kognityvinės; Kognityvinės akademinės kalbos gebėjimai (CALP); Metakognityviniai gebėjimai; Mokomoji parama; Academic vocabulary; CALP; CLIL; Collaborative; Collaborative Work; Metacognitive Skills; Metacognitive skills,; Scaffolding; Work.

ENWhile the perspective to CLIL is broadening in the world (esp. Europe), such teaching is still a relatively fresh and fragmentary experience in Lithuania. Not surprisingly, it raises a number of questions in educational circles and deserves thorough consideration and deep analysis with respect to its application in different school levels in this country. An inexperienced eye may view CLIL as a way of mere teaching a subject in a foreign language while a more competent professional with a better cultivated judgment will certainly highlight the dual nature of CLIL instruction. The ultimate aim of this article is to overview fundamental ingredients of vocabulary teaching in CLIL and to investigate how they compare with the observations and concerns that content teachers articulated during the two year CLIL methodology training programme in Vilnius University. In order to achieve the aim, extensive discussions, monitoring, lesson plan analysis and informal peer feedback sessions were carried out, which confirmed the pivotal role of vocabulary in CLIL teaching and the apparent necessity to sharpen CLIL teachers’ methodological skills consistently. The teachers in question readily recognise the dominant role of subject-specific vocabulary yet feel challenged by the commitment to treat high frequency academic vocabulary and the language for metacognitive skills as integral and thus indispensible parts of their work. Content as their primary goal, in a CLIL situation subject teachers view their role as even more ambitious and they feel less safe and confident whether their students have gained necessary subject knowledge, skills and experiences and if learners‘ attitudes to certain content matters have been adopted favourably and appropriately.This concern is easily predictable because students are expected to consistently produce learning outcomes which are not less than when the subject is taught in L1 and which are not deficient of critical thinking skills. Over the observed period, the CLIL teacher trainees intensely practised how to scaffold language, which showed their considerably varied experiences. So, they were challenged by language prerequisites or the complexity of language for scaffolding and they approached CALP (cognitive academic language proficiency) component inconsistently, and CLIL-specific metacognitive skills were also marked as an immediate need. The training programme proved that in order to help teachers shape their conceptual understanding about scaffolding in CLIL they need to be further exposed to text analysis tasks, involved in materials development activities and participate in peer feedback sessions, which would eventually enable them to see content through the eyes of a language professional. Moreover, such materials design projects could instigate development of comprehensive CLIL modules rather than separate CLIL-like lessons. In other words, to qualify as a competent CLIL teacher, systematic professional development activities should take place. [From the publication]

2538-8746; 2029-6223
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2020-02-12 20:41:56
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