Paveikiojo diskurso argumentacija: "argumentum ad tempus"

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Paveikiojo diskurso argumentacija: "argumentum ad tempus"
Alternative Title:
Argumentation of persuasive discourse: "argumentum ad tempus"
In the Journal:
Verbum. 2014, t. 5, p. 98-107
Graikija (Greece); Lietuva (Lithuania); Reklama / Advertising; Retorika / Rhetoric.
Summary / Abstract:

LTPaveikiojo diskurso argumentacijos ypatumai straipsnyje analizuojami retoriniu aspektu. Siekiama atskleisti, kaip verbaliniame reklamos lygmenyje funkcionuoja retorinis apeliavimo į laiką argumentas (lot. argumentum ad tempus) – nustatyti pagrindinius apeliacijų raiškos modelius ir jų santykį su reklamos objekto verte. Retorinė tyrimo prieiga grindžiama viena iš pamatinių retorinės tradicijos kategorijų – kairos – tinkamo laiko ir erdvės diskurso įtikimumui skleistis principu: retorikos teorijoje kairos apibrėžiamas kaip teisingo arba tinkamo laiko ir vietos kontekstas paveikiam įrodymui išsakyti. Įtikinamajame diskurse kairos yra argumentum ad tempus išeities taškas: čia aktualizuojamas įprasmintas laikas – adresatui reikšmingi įvykiai, situacijos, jausenos. Tyrimas atskleidžia, kad reklamos kuriamoje pseudotikrovėje dominuoja fragmentuoto laiko samprata: laikas patiriamas kaip išskirtinių akimirkų, simbolizuojančių esminius adresato (ne)pasitenkinimo būtimi ir buitimi momentus, santalka. Reklamos objekto vertę suponuoja jo įlaikinimas ir laiko įdaiktinimas. Pastebėtina, jog apeliavimo į laiką argumentas reklamoje funkcionuoja kaip lankstus manipuliacijos instrumentas, emocinis dirgiklis, aktualizuojantis „čia ir dabar“ efektą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Argumentum ad tempus; Laikas; Paveikusis diskursas; Reklama; Retorika; Retorika, argumentum ad tempus; Advertising; Argumentum ad tempu; Argumentum ad tempus; Persuasive discourse; Rhetoric; Time.

ENThe object of the article is to present arguments of appeal to the time (lat. argumentum ad tempus) in Lithuanian advertising. Time expression in advertising is analysed from the positions of rhetoric. Time is considered as one of the main instruments in the development of persuasive discourse argumentation. The goal of the article is to reason rhetorical approach to time as argumentum ad tempus in persuasive discourse under survey and to describe the main advertising strategies of appeal to time established in the research. The focus is on the representation and imagination of the flow of time and on the value of advertising object presupposed by these processes. The research material consists of advertisings, the object of which is related to such issues as time control, perspective and experience. Time as an argument concept is related to kairos category. In Ancient Greece, kairos was called qualitative nature time, i.e. time of special events, the moment of qualitative process and transformation. In classical rhetoric, kairos is one of the most important categories of sophism; in Aristotle’s theory, it is the foundation of the system of ethos–pathos–logos argumentation: it is a decisive factor in choosing the most persuasive strategy of argumentation. Summarizing the insights of classicist rhetoric, the category of kairos can be described as the appropriate time and space principle for the spreading of persuasive discourse. This offers an opportunity to research the expression of argumentum ad tempus in persuasive discourse.The research has allowed to build an insight which defines the essential argumentum ad tempus principle of functioning in advertising discourse as presented in time representation and imagination: advertising object is temporalized – this is chronos time (time till or after the satisfaction of need); time is materialized – this is kairos time (the moment of decision to satisfy the need). The following dominant argumentum ad tempus models have been revealed: projection into the past, i.e. the value of advertising object is presupposed by something that had already occurred; projection into the future, i.e. the value of advertising object is presupposed by something that will occur in the future; actualization of the present moment; projection to the infinity or eternity, i.e. the value of advertising object is based on disobedience to the laws of time. The culmination of all these models is the moment of the present, advertising motivates the addressee by giving him the perspective to experience kairos – fulfilled, meaningful, perfect time. [From the publication]

2538-8746; 2029-6223
2019-03-08 17:35:11
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