Trinkos tampymo ir naikinimo apeigos - kas tai?

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Trinkos tampymo ir naikinimo apeigos - kas tai?
Alternative Title:
Rituals of dragging around and destroying the "trinka" - what is it?
In the Journal:
Liaudies kultūra. 2014, Nr. 1, p. 60-64
Pasvalys; Lietuva (Lithuania); Šventės. Atmintinos dienos / Festivals. Holy days.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Blukis; Gavėnia; Kalėdos; Kalėdų blukis; Ritualas; Trinka; Ugnies kultas; Užgavėnių persirengėliai; Užgavėnės; Žemdirbių tradicija; Christmas; Christmas block; Cult of fire; Farmer tradition; Lent; Mummers Mardi Gras; Ritual; Užgavėnės; Wood-block (trinka, blukis).

ENThis ethnologist’s article provides an overview and briefly discusses the tradition during the Christmas period (tarpušventė) or Užgavėnės to drag around and destroy a trinka or wood-block (blukis, blukas), the forms and semantics of this custom, its prevalence throughout the country and the links between this Lithuanian reality and the traditions of European countries. According to the author, the dragging and destruction of wood-blocks at Christmas was forgotten even in the middle of the 19th century. This Užgavėnės rite is remembered only in scientific publications, while in the villages of northern and central Lithuania the Užgavėnės wood-block was dragged around even in the first half of the 20th c. Now this custom has been revitalised all over Lithuania. Briefly evaluated is Benigna Skalauskienė’s interesting and unique story, written down in 2008, about the dragging of stumps in the spring during the prewar period in Pasvalys. Source - Zelma Salinaitė-Bačkienė-Sakalauskienė, from the village of Stebeikiai, Pasvalys district, born in 1928 in Pasvalys. [From the publication]

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