Neįgaliųjų laisvalaikio organizavimas socialines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Neįgaliųjų laisvalaikio organizavimas socialines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose
Alternative Title:
Organization of leisure for the disabled persons in institutions providing social services
In the Journal:
Laisvalaikio tyrimai [Leisure time research]. 2017, Nr. 1 (9), 1 pdf (6 p.)
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomi neįgaliųjų laisvalaikio organizavimo ypatumai socialines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose. Neįgaliųjų teisių konvencijos nuostatuose keliami reikalavimai nukreipti į laisvalaikio paslaugų atitikimą neįgaliųjų poreikiams. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad didžiausia problema institucijose yra finansų (lėšų) trūkumas – net jei įstaigos ir norėtų įdarbinti kvalifikuotus fizinės veiklos specialistus, to negalėtų padaryti dėl lėšų stygiaus (todėl specialistų įvairovė įstaigose yra labai maža), įstaigos neturi patalpų savo vykdomai veiklai plėtoti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Laisvalaikis; Neįgalieji; Socialinės paslaugos; Disabled persons; Leisure; People with disabiloities; Social services.

ENThe reason of social exclusion of the disabled in the society is the negative attitudes of the able-bodied towards people with disabilities, and their behaviour according to this attitude. Social integration is associated with environment’s ability to tolerate the disabled. Successful leisure and recreation are some of most significant factors for the socialization and integration of the disabled, which makes it possible to establish social contacts and increase personal self-esteem. Until now, according to the information available to us, there is not much research dealing with the social and recreational services for the disabled in the community and specialists providing such services. The aim of the study was to analyse the leisure services for people with disabilities, their structure and a contingent of specialists providing leisure and recreation services in social institutions. Methods of the study. Institutions providing social and recreational services for people with disabilities and the contingent of the professionals who provide services were analysed in the study. Research included 264 institutions. The information about the available services as well as access to information was assessed on websites of the selected institutions. The information was read, systematized, and analysed. At the end of the analysis, there were 83 non-governmental organizations belonging to the institutions providing social and recreational services for the disabled, and they were selected for filling in anonymous questionnaires. The questionnaire consisted of 12 closed questions which aimed at clarifying the type of services provided by the institution, activities for persons with disabilities and the contingent of professionals working in the field. The questionnaire had 2 open questions in order to clarify the organization problems regarding the leisure for persons with disabilities. Of all the questionnaires, 32 were returned.for persons with disabilities. Of all the questionnaires, 32 were returned. Results of the study. Social services are provided to people with vision, hearing, intellectual and movement (motility) disabilities in the investigated institutions. Most institutions (93.75%) provide general social services, and only 56.25% of the investigated institutions provide leisure activities services for people with disabilities. The biggest problem is the deficiency of financial institutions (funds) and because of that institutions are not able to recruit qualified professionals. The institutions point out that they do not have enough space and equipment to organize active leisure for persons with disabilities. [From the publication]

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